Read and circle. 1 The children are on a(n) expedition / camping trip / holiday.
2 They start looking for insects (trees / leaves.
3 Daisy Jake / Lilly climbs a tree.
4 Jake hurts his foot / arm (knee
5 Jake Drake X Daisy arrives at the Team Station first.
• What can we learn from the story? Tick (/).
A Sometimes, school expeditions can be dangerous.
B When you work as a team, you can win.
C When you are outside, you can get hurt.
Sounds Spt!
shion, ssion, sinn
The traveller went away. He decided that the man was mad. After the traveller had gone some distance, Aesop shouted after him he would get to the town in two hours.
The traveller came back to Aesop and asked why he hadn't tell him that before. Aesop replied that he hadn't told him because he hadn't known how fast heyou could walk.
The traveller went away. He decided that the man was mad. After the traveller had gone some distance, Aesop shouted after him he would get to the town in two hours.
The traveller came back to Aesop and asked why he hadn't tell him that before. Aesop replied that he hadn't told him because he hadn't known how fast heyou could walk.