Read and correct the sentences (прочитай и исправь предложение) 1 Korkyt ata was a famous actor and musician.
"korkyt ata was a famous poet and musician."
2 before korkyt ata was born, there was an
eclipse of the moon.
3 when korkyt ata came into the world, the sun
stopped shining
4 in korkyt ata's dream, fairies told him how to
make a kobyz.
5 when korkyt ata played the kobyz, he forgot
all about life.
6 people from all over the world heard the
wonderful sounds of the kobyz.
1. Лес, холм, пастбища,погода, горы.
Всё, кроме "погоды", относится к природному ландшафту.
Лишнее - "погода" (weather).
2. Скалистый, песчаный, травянистый, каменный, близко.
Всё, кроме "близко", является физическим свойством.
Лишнее - "близко" (nearly)
3. Дом, мост, строение, небоскреб, вигвам.
Лишним будет "мост" (bridge), так как всё остальное - жилищные здания.
4. Побережье, принадлежать, драться, защищать, помнить..
Лишним будет "fight", так как это неправильный глагол (в отличие от других)
Tom, aka Thomas, is a short-haired cat of an obscure breed, with white paws and a light chest. The main character and the main villain of the series. Despite his obvious predation, it is Tom who most of all gets the first number. The main goal of Tom's life is to capture the harmful mouse Jerry. Secondary goals are: eat well, sleep well, and generally lead an idle lifestyle. In a number of episodes, the essence of Tom's heartfelt claims to a cute white cat is revealed. Tom has his own mattress basket and is a completely domestic cat.