Read and identify the type of each paragraph. 1Scones are a popular and traditional part of British afternoon tea.
They are easy and fun to make. Before you start, .you need to prepare
all the ingredients: 200 grams of fl our, ½ teaspoon of salt, 50 grams
of butter and ½ cup of milk. This will be enough for 9 to 10 scones.
First, put the fl our and salt into a bowl and work the small pieces of
butter into the fl our and salt with your fi ngers. Then, add the milk
quickly and mix it. After that, take the mixture out of the bowl and
make it into a large fl at shape on a table. Next, cut it into 9 to 10
round shapes and put a little milk on
the top of each. Finally, cook them in
a hot oven (200°C) for 7-10
minutes. Serve the
scones with a
traditional cup
of tea in the
2.Ukrainian cuisine
is very varied, and
the Ukrainians are
famous for their
hospitality. The
food refl ects not
only the range of
national dishes, but
also the agreement
that Ukrainians have had
over the centuries with neighbouring
peoples. In recent years, international
cuisine has begun to make its presence
in Ukrainian market and international
fast-food outlets have appeared
Will there be a concert next week?
Was that his mistake or theirs?
Was the flight delayed for half an hour?
Will the Smirnovs be in the Crimea this summer?
№ 2 Заполните пропуски предлогами, где это необходимо.
1. I usually get … home AT six IN the evening.
2. Peter is going TO hospital FOR two days.
3. What are we having FOR dinner today?
4. I don't want to go TO the cinema tonight. My friend and I are going FOR a walk.
5. I stayed home AT ten yesterday morning.
6. Does your friend play … chess well? I’m going to have a game OF chess WITH… him.
7. She graduated FROM the institute OF Foreign Languages eight years go.
8. We usually work ON week-days.
№ 3 Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо:
1. I’d like to have A hamburger for … breakfast.
2. Pushkin is AN outstanding Russian poet.
3. Can you play THE piano?
4. Will you play … chess with me?
5. At … night I had A terrible headache after I had drunk A lot of coffee in THE evening.