. Read the article quickly and choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph. * 1 2 3 a. Virtual tourism b. Tourist or traveler? c. Most popular destinations d. Holiday at home e. Holiday problems a. Virtual tourism b. Tourist or traveler? c. Most popular destinations d. Holiday at home
1. are shouting Present Continuous Active voice 2. was sleeping Past Continuous Active voice came Past Simple Active voice 3. will be doing Future Continuous Active voice 4. has engaged Present Perfect Active voice 5. came Past Simple Active voice had made Past Perfect Active voice 6. will have completed Future Perfect Active voice 7. was arrested Past Simple Passive voice 8. have been produced Present Perfect Passive voice 9. can be produced Present Simple Passive voice find Present Simple Active voice 10. are being made Present Continuous Passive voice
in my life I use many devices. This and various appliances, and other devices that I use in everyday life. Here, for example, a computer, a laptop, m-3 player, TV, radio, tablet and more. Phone, computer and TV - it's probably those things without which my life was not that comfortable. Judge for yourself: without a phone I wouldn't be able to communicate with their relatives, friends and acquaintances. Also the computer is very important device in my life because without him I would not be able to share information and learn useful and necessary information for me. Television, in particular, required me to watch movies and other educational programs, and news. These three devices are an integral part of my life.
2. was sleeping Past Continuous Active voice
came Past Simple Active voice
3. will be doing Future Continuous Active voice
4. has engaged Present Perfect Active voice
5. came Past Simple Active voice
had made Past Perfect Active voice
6. will have completed Future Perfect Active voice
7. was arrested Past Simple Passive voice
8. have been produced Present Perfect Passive voice
9. can be produced Present Simple Passive voice
find Present Simple Active voice
10. are being made Present Continuous Passive voice