Read the phrases below and say what type of travelling is meant in each of the statements, what the missing words are, whether the speaker likes or not this type of travellting and why
Speaker 1 - ... is directly affected by any weather changes, which create wind or cause large waves. As a result, the voyage sometimes becomes dangerous.
Speaker 2 - has to be closely navigated to avoid any dangerous rock formations or ice flow, while ... has fewer such dangers.
Speaker 3 - ... is a solution for those with airplane fear. And it's cheaper to transport cargo with ... than byair.
Speaker 4 - I dislike the whole ... procedure - from the ... to the check in queues and the flight itself.
Speaker 5 - Travelling by ... is the most fun , especially when you can get out of the ... and swim in the water!
Speaker 6 - I still prefer to avoid ... . I was once on ... , when we were ordered to turn back because someone had phoned the ... to say he had placed a bomb aboard (luckily, he hadn't).
Speaker 7 - It's okay to travel by ... . But ... frightens me with its sharks catastrophes. Everyone still remembers the Titanic!
Speaker 8 - ... had to be preferable, in my opinion. At least you can walk about and enjoy the facilities and even escape anyone who annoys you.
номер 2 1) When she was 13 ,sge ranked 8th in the world for undereighteens and her future looked bright
2)Bethany manage to surf again when she went surfing with her friends at tunnels beach in Hawaii
3) The Bethanys father fitted most of her boards with a special handle which she uses to pul herself up
дальше под низом
1) ну ту надо своё мнение к примеру i think she hasnt returned to this place beacause she have sense of self-preservation and the feelings of fear
yes she is determined person because she is not didn't give up
and go to end what she prefer to do in life
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