Read the sentence or the phrase and match it to an explanation. What does it express: It should be the hit of the summer, ... 
A something which is probable
B an ability/inability
C something which is possible
D a way of giving advice
E a certain opinion
F an obligation
2 Read the sentence or the phrase and match it to an explanation. What does it express: The programme makers must think we'll listen to anything.

A something which is probable
B an ability/inability
C something which is possible
D a way of giving advice
E a certain opinion
F an obligation
3 Choose the correct option to show the meaning of the modal verb: My mum says I CAN be in the school rock band.

a expressing ability
b giving permission
4 Choose the correct option to show the meaning of the modal verb: Do you HAVE TO go to university to become singer?

a asking about obligation
b asking about probability
5 Choose the correct verb in each sentence: I read somewhere that Dimash be on TV tonight.

a might
b can
с has to
Меня зовут Кейт. Моя семья обычная русская семья. Нас четверо. У меня есть мама. Ее зовут Аня. Она учитель.Она очень добрая. Её хобби это пение и покупки. Моя мама увлекается чтением детективов. Моего папу зовут Питер. Он работает водителем. Он умный и спортивный. Мой отец увлекается рыбалкой. Мой брат Ник маленький.Ему только 4. Он любит играть со своими игрушками.
Мы тесная и дружная семья. Мы любим проводить время и выходные вместе. Завтра будет день рождения моей мамы. Мой брат и я пойдём по магазинам вместе с нашим отцом. Мы собираемся купить нашей маме подарок на день рождения. Это будет хороший шарф. Она хотела бы ибелый. И мы должны купить цветы для неё тоже. Завтра мой брат и я будем убирать квартиру. Мы не будем лениться. Отец нам. Тогда мы сделаем нашу кухню чистой и светлой. Завтра мы накроем стол. Мы хотим, чтобы наша мама была счастлива.
Задание 2:
1.There are five people in Kate’s family.-
There are four people.
2.Kate’s father is helpful.-
He is clever and sporty.
3.Tomorrow it will be Kate’s birthday.-
Tomorrow it will be Kate’s mother birthday.+
4.Kate will get a present tomorrow.-
Kate’s mother will get a present tomorrow.+
5.Kate’s mother will get a red scarf for her birthday.-
Kate’s mother will get a white scarf for her birthday.+
6.Tomorrow Kate and her brother will clean the flat.+
7.Kate and her brother won’t be lazy tomorrow.+
8.Tomorrow the family will lay the table.+
Задание 3:
1.They will celebrate Kate’s mother birthday tomorrow.
2.She wsll ger a white scarf.
3.I think her family friendly. Because daughter, husband and son will clean the flat they don’t be lazy they buy present for mother. All of this they do together.
1. Petey, a little puppy, lived with his mother.
1. Petey almost always barked when he wanted to chew shoes.
Petey almost never chewed shoes.
2. Petey was a bad puppy because he didn't frighten the cat.
Petey was a good puppy because he almost didn't frighten the cat.
3. Petey wanted a white rabbit or a lovely canary for Christmas.
Petey didn't want a white rabbit or a lovely canary for Christmas.
4. His mother found a nice little boy for Petey.
His mother didn't find a nice little boy for Petey.
Say why...
1. Petey's mother decided to give her son a boy for Christmas.
Because Petey was good that year.
2. Petey's mother looked worried when she came back.
Because she hadn't found any boy for Petey.
3. Petey's mother couldn't find a boy.
Because that year there almost weren't any boys.
4. Petey didn't want any pets for Christmas.
Because Petey wanted a boy.
5. Petey decided to find a dog with a boy.
Because he expected a dog to give its boy away to Petey.