Once upon a time couple lived in house next door to a witch, The wife longed the lettuces in the witch's beautiful garden The wife wanted the lettuces much her husband decides steal them but he was caught by the witch. "Have the lettuces but soon you will have baby and you must give your child when she is born. The was so that agreed to everything the little girl was born, the witch took her named harry Ropunzel, When grew up, the witch locked her away in a tower in the middle of forest with one window right top. Whilst lived in the tower her golden hair grew longer and longer When the witch visited she would call "Rapunzel) Let down your long hair" Rapunzel let down her hair and the witch climbed up. One day handsome Prince rode through the wood and found the tower He singing and sow Rapunzel at the window. watched the witch come the tower and climb Rapunzel's hair to do the same The prince visited Rapunzel every day but when the witch found out she
the prince threw him out of the tower. He fell
on some
thorns and scratched his The prince was blind for long time until one day heard Whan she sow it was her prince, she cried with happiness, Her tears
his and could see again! They lived ever after in
his kingdom.
1. The wife wanted to eat the lettuces that her husband grew (
2. The husband decided to steal the lettuces because his wife wanted eat them very much. (
3. The husband ran away when he heard the witch's voice. (
4. The witch wanted a lot of money from the man for the lettuces. ( …
5. The man agreed the witch's offer because he was really terrified. (
6. The witch wanted their unborn child in return for the lettuces. (
7. When the girl was born the couple didn't agree to give har to the witch.
8. The witch named the little girl *Rapunzel"
9. The witch took Rapunzel with her everywhere she goes. ( 10. The witch locked Rapunzel in a tower in the middle of the town, ( 11. The witch climbed up the tower with the help Rapunzel's long hair
12. When the witch saw the prince she
to help them get married.
13. The prince and Rapunzel lived
in the end.
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