My favorite means of communication is telegram. I like telegram because it's confidential. All messages are securely encrypted with protocols and various encryptions.The most interesting thing about this messenger is that in conversations, no one will know anything about each other if you configure privacy in the settings.Also in this Messenger free music and stickers.At any time, you can share your mood with the other person with various stickers. When Pavel Durov created Telegram, his main idea was privacy, so I admire Pavel Durov and his telegram
The issue of the role of advertising in our lives is a very controversial one. Some people think that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need, because they claim that advertisements have the power to influence on our purchasing behavior. Nevertheless, my point of view is that advertisements are incredible source of information about new products that may improve our lives.
Вопрос о роли рекламы в нашей жизни - очень спорный. Некоторые люди думают, что реклама побуждает нас покупать вещи, которые нам действительно не нужны, потому что они утверждают, что реклама может влиять на наше покупательское поведение. Тем не менее, я считаю, что реклама - невероятный источник информации о новых продуктах, которые могут улучшить нашу жизнь.
My favorite means of communication is telegram. I like telegram because it's confidential. All messages are securely encrypted with protocols and various encryptions.The most interesting thing about this messenger is that in conversations, no one will know anything about each other if you configure privacy in the settings.Also in this Messenger free music and stickers.At any time, you can share your mood with the other person with various stickers. When Pavel Durov created Telegram, his main idea was privacy, so I admire Pavel Durov and his telegram
The issue of the role of advertising in our lives is a very controversial one. Some people think that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need, because they claim that advertisements have the power to influence on our purchasing behavior. Nevertheless, my point of view is that advertisements are incredible source of information about new products that may improve our lives.
Вопрос о роли рекламы в нашей жизни - очень спорный. Некоторые люди думают, что реклама побуждает нас покупать вещи, которые нам действительно не нужны, потому что они утверждают, что реклама может влиять на наше покупательское поведение. Тем не менее, я считаю, что реклама - невероятный источник информации о новых продуктах, которые могут улучшить нашу жизнь.