Read the story again and make notes to answer the questions. 1.You read a similar story on another of this book Which page ?-
2. It this story longer or shorter than the other one ?——–-––-
3.Which person is in this story but not in the other one ?––--–
4.What extra information does this story have ?
Find as many examples as you can.
2. The countryside looks very colourful now.
3. That was a very cowardly thing to do!
4. He has a daily routine of exercises.
5. She was doubtful when I told her my plan.
6. It was very foggy so I drove slowly.
7. It's nice meeting such a friendly person.
8. He looked very funny in that hat.
9. They saw a ghostly figure at the castle door.
10. Working on the car made her hands greasy.
11. Let's go for a walk in the fresh healthy air!
12. We're hopeful that they'll agree to come.
13. Seeing all that food made me very hungry.
14. She married a successful businessman.
15. He looked thoughtful when he heard the news.
16. This map was very useful on my holiday.
17. It was wonderful to see him again.
Добавь 1 любое слово. Например, young - молодой.
answer ['a:n(t)sə] ответ, отвечать; откликаться
body ['bɔdy] тело
change [tʃeindʒ] менять, изменять
cry [krai] плакать
dark [da:k] тёмный
family ['fæm(ə)li] семья
fire ['faiə] огонь; пожар; стрелять; поджигать
four [fɔ:] четыре
guy [gai] парень
hair [hɛə] волосы
hard [ha:d] жёсткий, твёрдый
heart [ha:t] сердце
hour [auə] час
idea [ai:diə] идея; мысль
later ['leitə'] позже, более поздний
laugh [la:f] смех, смеяться
live [liv] жить, существовать
mouth [mauθ] рот
road [rəud] дорога, путь
second ['sek(ə)nd] секунда; второй
since [sin(t)s] с тех пор, с, после
small [smɔ:l] маленький
smile [smail] улыбка; улыбаться
state [steit] государство, страна, штат
step [step] шаг; шагать
wanted ['wɔntid] разыскиваемый полицией
watch [wɔtʃ] 1) смотреть, следить; наблюдение; 2) часы
wife [waif] жена, супруга
window ['windəu] окно