Now the school can call my second home. She occupies a significant place in my life. The school is more likely to affect the schedule of my day, what I do. In school I communicate with fellow classmates, the lessons I learn many interesting things. My school is not new, it is more than twenty five years. This three-story light gray rectangular building. The younger classes are learning on the ground and first floor, while high school students mainly in the second and third. Classrooms in my school are spacious and bright with large Windows and comfortable desks. Their walls are decorated with flowers, paintings, tables, and portraits of prominent scientists. The main entrance is a lofty porch with columns and many steps. From this porch every year in autumn and spring with the First and Last call us congratulates the Director, head teachers and various guests. On this occasion, the porch is decorated with flowers and balloons.
Четвёртая от солнца планета - холодное, сухое место. Пыль и оксид железа придают планете красноватый оттенок. Марс имеет сходство с Землёй: он скалистый, на нём есть горы и долины, кружащие штормовые системы, вызванные пылевыми смерчами, похожими на торнадо с планеты-поглощающей пыльные бури (имеется ввиду Марс, если что). На Марсе идёт снег. И воды в водоёмах покрывается льдом. Учёные думают, когда то там было влажно и тепло, однако сегодня Марс холодный и пустыне-подобный. Открытие: известен с древности и виден невооружённым глазом. Назван в честь: Марса - бога войны. Диаметр: 4,217 километров. Орбита: 687 земных дней. День немного больше земного: 24 часа 37 минут
My school is not new, it is more than twenty five years. This three-story light gray rectangular building. The younger classes are learning on the ground and first floor, while high school students mainly in the second and third. Classrooms in my school are spacious and bright with large Windows and comfortable desks. Their walls are decorated with flowers, paintings, tables, and portraits of prominent scientists.
The main entrance is a lofty porch with columns and many steps. From this porch every year in autumn and spring with the First and Last call us congratulates the Director, head teachers and various guests. On this occasion, the porch is decorated with flowers and balloons.