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Read the task of the topic and write You are working in an organisation that protects the environment in your country: clean the streets; preserve national reservations%3; organise campaigns to raise money to preserve endangered animals (e.g., Saiga, snow leopard, flamingo, etc.) Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him / her for any help he / she can provide to help your organisation. Include in your letter the following information: •IThe current environmental problems; •IWhat your suggestions are for solving this problem; •IHOW you would like the mayor to help you / your organisation.​

Read the task of the topic and write You are working in an organisation that protects the environmen

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21.05.2020 19:15

At the age of 6 or 7 all boys and girls go to school. I go to school too. The number of my school is 338.

Our school is large and light. It is neither old nor new. There is a school yard around it. It is a pity, but there are no flowers near the school. You can see a sports ground behind the school. Sometimes we have physical training lessons there.

Our school has got three floors. There is a workshop on the ground floor. It is big. There are all kinds of tools and machines there. The boys of our school have a wood-work room too. They learn to make things of wood in this room. There is a room for manual work for girls. It is not on the ground floor, it is on the second floor. There are some computer classes, and pupils like such school subjects as Computing.

If you enter the school and go to the left you see a dining-room. Here pupils and teachers have their breakfast and dinner. The dining-room is a clean one. There are many nice pictures on the walls.

There is a gymnasium near the dining-room. All pupils like to go there, because they like physical training lessons.

Our school has got a library. It is on the ground floor too. There are a lot of interesting new and old books in it. But our library has no reading-room. Our school has got many classrooms.

We have got two English classrooms, History, Geography and Physics classrooms and others. They are big and light and each of them has got two large windows with green curtains, flowers on the window-sills, a bookcase near the door, the blackboard on the wall.

The teacher's table with many books on it is situated not far from the blackboard. There are twenty desks and some comfortable chairs in the classrooms. There is a TV set in each classroom. Sometimes it is used during the lessons. There is a school hall on the second floor where meetings and conferences take place.

We organize concerts, parties when we celebrate our holidays. Pupils of our school sing songs and dance modern and folk dances and perform some plays there. The last bell is organized at our school in a proper way. It is a very remarkable day in the life of all the pupils. The pupils of the first form and the pupils of the eleventh one are preparing for this day with great pleasure.

The teachers' room is on the second floor. There are tables and chairs for teachers, a TV set and a telephone there. It is a comfortable and cosy room and the teachers like to spend their free time in it. I like my school. I go there and get knowledge. Pupils have school uniforms in En-gland. It is an old tradition in the country. A boy's uniform consists of a special suit, a school cap, a tie and a blazer. A girl's uniform consists of a hat a coat, a skirt and a blouse. As usual their uniform is dark.

My School

I've just graduated and I would like to tell you a few words about my school. I went to school in 1988. This school I studied in is a three storied building. When you enter the school yard you can see poplar trees and beautiful flowers. To the right of the school building there is a big playground. When the weather was fine we had our classes in physical training there. When you enter the school you come in to a large hall and a cloak-room, there we left our coats, rain-coats and jackets. On the ground floor where is also a school library and a gym. The class rooms, the assembly hall, the teachers room and the canteen are on the upper floors. On the walls of the corridors you can see the portraits of famous writers, poets, scientists and our school wall newspaper. It is done by the pupils of our school and has a lot of interesting things to read. I learned different subjects at school: Russian, English, maths, physics, chemistry, geography, history and some others.

My favorite subjects were Russian and English. I also liked literature. I was good at these subjects and usually got good marks in them. I worked hard at English lessons: read and translated texts, made up dialogues, did a lot of ex, but best of all I liked different tests, I was fond of grammar. But I was poor in chemistry. I always failed to learn formulas and terms properly. I liked my class, everybody was so friendly easy to get along with. I was on good terms with my class maids and we often spend our free time together.


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11.06.2020 15:53

1. If I could speak Spanish, I would spend next year studying in


2. If she brings it back in time, you are welcome to borrow it.

3. If energy was inexpensive and unlimited, many things in the

world would be different.

4. I were interested in that subject, I would try to learn more

about it.

5. Do you think there would be less conflict in the world if all

people spoke the same language?

6. If you answer all of my questions, I can't do anything to

help you.

7. If I had wings, I wouldn't have to take an airplane to fly home.

8. Would people be able to fly if they had feathers instead of


9. If I send it today by overnight express, it would arrive in time.

10. If I felt the way you do about it, I would drop the class as

soon as possible.


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