Read the text again and identify who does each activity. Write the Learners’ names or first letters next to the phrases.
The first task is done for you as an example. M = Max, J = Julia, L = Luke, S = Sara.
1. go to the park ___ [1]
2. enjoy Art ___ [1]
3. do sport activities ___ [1]
4. like music ___ [1]
5. keen on reading [1]
6. spend time with friends [1]
7. help mother [1]
8. skate in the park [1]
To be healthy you should do several things. First of all, it's important to eat properly. Fruits, vegetables, dairy, grains are good for your health. But healthful eating is not enough. You should do some physical activity to keep fit. It can be a little exercise every day. In addition, make sleep a priority and sleep at least 7-8 hours per night. Avoid eating fast food or any other junk food because it can lead to obesity and other health problems. Also avoid harmful habits like smoking or drinking.