Read the text again and match the words in bold from the text to the following descriptions. Compare your answers with those of your classmate. not have; 1. important job;
2. special or very unusual;
3. character in a film or story who has special power and uses it to do good things and help other people;
4. extreme strength or abilities that most people do
5. invented/not real;
6. people who help others who are in difficult situations;
7. respect;
8. morally good and deserving respect
Два американских президента
Первый президент Соединенных штатов которого знают все американцы как Отца Нации был Джордж Вашингтон. Джордж родился в Вирджинии в семье плантаторов. Когда мальчику было семь его отец умер. Семья имела множество земли, но недостаточно денег, чтобы послать Джорджа в школу в Англии, как обычно делали богатые семьи в это время. Мальчик пошел в частную школу, и позднее два частных учителя учили его быть солдатом и виргинским джентльменом. Джордж учился ездить на лошади, охотится, стрелять, ходить под парусом и плавать. Из-за того что он был хорош в арифметике, он также учился землеустройству ( измерению земли). Молодой человек ездил в отдаленные части страны для землеустройства для тех кто там строил свои дома. Он проводил часы на лошади при всякой погоде. Он научился спать на воздухе (вне дома), готовить себе пищу, и усердно работать каждый день. Все любили и доверяли юному Джорджу.
Джордж Вашингтон начал служение своей стране в качестве майора и виргинской милиции и позднее стал командующим колониальной армии во время революционной войны. Он был среди тех кто писал
Mike was sitting in front of his computer, his eyes focused on the monitor - he was playing and (didn't see) me. Several minutes passed before he noticed me.
"Hi", he said. "Look, I (am playing) online. It's a great game. It's the (best) game I've ever played!Would you like to join me?"
Without waiting for my answer, he turned to the monitor and then forgot about me. Well, the situation was (worse) than I had expected it to be. Mike had found a new game and nothing could make him quit before the game was over. " You (don't remember) about our training in the gym today, do you?" I asked. "I certainly do", said Mike. "Don't worry, I'll be ready in five minutes". However, I understood that I would have to go to the gym alone.
Part 2)
I've met lots of nice people in my life but Tommy has always been my best friend. I met him in school when he was a funny red-haired boy. His father was a famous opera (singer) . Sometimes Tommy's mother took us to his father's (performance) . Tommy's parents had a big beautiful house and he had a lot of (expensive) toys. But all those things were not important. What brought us together in our (childhood) was the hobby we shared.
We both enjoyed reading science fiction and adventure books about pirates and travellers. We had lots of adventures ourselves.
Tommy was brave and was always ready to stand for me. I knew that I could rely on him in any (dangerous) situation.