Read the text and choose the correct word in italics. Problems of Teenagers In today's world there are many problems teens have to face including drug and alcohol abuse, self-cutting, depression, violence, teen pregnancy and more. With so many of these teenage problems on the rise, it is important for teens to know and understand the risks associated with these issues. If you are facing some of these problems, get teen help now. There are many specialists who can provide help to those dealing with these very serious teen issues. About 72 percent of teens have tried alcohol by the time they graduate from high school. Many of these teens take the alcohol use too far and experience alcohol (1) abuse / addict symptoms including alcoholism, alcohol poisoning, and other alcohol-related problems. Other teens might have problems with drug (2) deal / use. They may begin using drugs out of curiosity or because they are looking for a way to (3) cope / care with emotional issues. While abstinence education is important for teens to know and understand how to prevent (4) pregnancy / bulling and sexually transmitted diseases (STDS), it is also important for teens to understand the importance of safe sex. With teenage pregnancy rates on the rise as well as more and more teens becoming (5) infected/injured with STDS, it is clear that teens do not know how to properly use contraception and other forms of birth (6) control / rate. The cases of who act out (7) violently / flexible are beginning to rise. Many teens do not know how to express properly their (8) disorder/ anger and instead take it out on friends and family in a violent manner. Teens with problems like anger management issues and violent behaviour should look for a healthy outlet to channel that anger like sports, exercising, writing or other ways teens can express their emotions and (9) frustrations / outrageous rather than exploding with violence.
утром имеет свой любимый завтрак из кукурузных хлопьев с молоком и сахаром или кашей, а затем жареным беконом и яйцами. завтрак, как правило, больше еды, чем на континенте. некоторые мармелады могут быть распространены на тосте и сливочном масле. возможно, некоторые фрукты тоже будут съедены. для изменения можно иметь холодную ветчину или, возможно, рыбу, кофе и рулон. главная еда дня называется обедом. ужин подается либо в середине дня, либо вечером. если его едят вечером (около 7 часов вечера), полуденная еда называется обедом (около 1 часа дня). если ужин в середине дня, ужин называется ужином. обычная дневная еда состоит из двух блюд - мясного блюда, сопровождаемого большим количеством овощей. после этого приходит сладкий пудинг или некоторые тушеные фрукты. большинство любят то, что они называют хорошей простой едой. обычно у них есть бифштексы, отбивные, ростбиф и жареная рыба и чипсы. они не переусердствуют с супом, отмечая, что он оставляет их без свободной комнаты для более важного мясного курса
i love autumn holidays this's the time when you can do something indeed useful. for example, i was building card houses the whole day. on the second day i sat and watched the sunset the whole time. after this, i decided to relax a little bit and, like any normal teenager, i started to play my favorite computer game it is paintball. i also watched my beloved movie, it's "the great dictator" by c.chaplin.
in that point in time i still had only half of school holidays and i made a decision to postpone my visit to north korea, in order to prepare for global warming. i read the book named "to bulid a fire" by and i tried to look for gold in the near forest, but to no avail.
well, it was the end my school holidays.