Read the text and correct the statements below it.
Britain ruled over many countries in different parts of the world at the beginning of the 20th century. Those countries were called colonies. In some of them people still speak English as a second language. The British Empire existed until 1949 when Britain and the former colonies agreed to found the Commonwealth.
The queen of Great Britain became the Head of Commonwealth as well. She is also the queen of such countries as Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Some people in these countries don’t like the idea of being ruled by someone who doesn’t even live in their country. But others don’t mind. They say that the Queen doesn’t have any real power anywhere outside Great Britain so she can’t change anything really.
6. The countries which Britain ruled were independent from the Queen.
7. In some British colonies people still speak German as a second language.
8. The British Empire was abolished in 1952.
9. The King of Great Britain became the head of Commonwealth.
10. Some people of Commonwealth like to be ruled by the queen
11. The Queen has a real power everywhere outside the country.
•i like looking in the mirror
•Huge mirrors reflected and multiplied the brilliance of diamonds and gold.
•On the side wall, a mirror, which for some reason had not noticed yesterday, now immediately stared in dull amazement.
•In the reflection of the mirror there was a trio, a very menacing look, but we, apart from knives, did not even have weapons with us.
•The treaty says that magic mirrors serve as doors between two worlds.
•Beside her was a huge, cloudy oval mirror.
•A large Venetian mirror hung just opposite the young woman.
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