Read the text and do the tasks below. Прочитайте внимательно текст. Прочитайте предложения после текста. Ваша задача ответить, верны ли предложения по смыслу или нет на основе прочитанного текста.
This happened more than fifty years ago, in a little American town called Springfield. The newspaper “The Springfield Voice” had a very difficult life. The newspaper hadnt enough money and could not pay its workers. But it had one difficulty that was even worse. Whenever some interesting news appeared in The Springfield Voice, the rest of the newspapers in the town at once published the same news as their own. At last The Springfield Voice decided to teach their enemies a lesson.
In the morning, April 1, The Springfield Voice published the news that a coffee king whose name was Lirpa Loof had come from abroad and was going to visit Springfield. Of course, this was tremendous news in such a little town. That same afternoon all the other newspapers in the town wrote about Mr Lirpa Loof. One of the newspapers published an interview with the rich businessman, another newspaper told its readers that Mr Lirpa Loof had had a meeting with the businessmen of the town, who were planning to buy coffee from him.
The next day, April 2, The Springfield Voice wrote: Of course, we are proud that the other newspapers believed our story about the rich foreign businessman Lirpa Loof. But they must not forget what the date was yesterday. Read the first, then the second word – Lirpa Loof – from the end to the beginning and you will see why they must not forget that date.
Write down whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
It happened fifteen years ago in America?
The newspaper had financial problems?
The newspaper wrote about a coffee king who came to Springfield?
Other newspapers published information about him too?
I enjoy the sport, as the high jump with a pole. I often watch your performance on TV. Must tell you that you are very well jump in height. I am very glad that you agree to participate in all Olympic Games! I believe that the Olympic Games is a great way for athletes to achieve the highest results, and to win prestigious awards. I am very glad that you have set 19 world records! And all the records, you bet on the Olympics. At the Olympic Games in Beijing, you have set a new world record, thereby bypassed 10 strongest competitors. I think the Olympics is an important part of life of an athlete. I found out that 10 years have you been doing gymnastics, and then, however, began to jump in the height of the pole vault. Sorry for the indiscreet question, why are you still away from the world of gymnastics?
For me personally, the Olympic Games mean a lot ... Firstly, only the Olympic Games, we can see the athletes involved in different sports, all collected in one place. Second, at the Olympic Games present the very best athletes. Third, only the Olympic Games, we can see athletes from around the world.
I also think that these athletes have achieved much in his career, and came to the Olympic Games to win the best prizes. Olympics for athletes mean a lot! Some even, Olympic games, this is the purpose for which they are going forward, for which they are doing the impossible, for the sake of which go to all ... Olympics is a very good incentive to be in the form of ... However, to get to the Olympics, it is necessary to achieve much in his sporting life .. Not enough to be, strong, and yet you have to be smart ...
[ ˈwɪndəʊ ] , table [ ˈteɪbl ], chair [ tʃeə(r) ], stool [ stuːl ], refrigerator [ rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r) ], bed [ bed ] , cupboard [ ˈkʌbəd ] , carpet [ ˈkɑːpɪt ], window-sill [ ˈwɪn.dəʊ.sɪl ] , vase [ vɑːz ] , plate [ pleɪt ] , cup [ kʌp ] , sofa
[ ˈsəʊ.fə ] , TV (television) [ ˌtiː ˈviː ] [ ˈtelɪvɪʒn ] , shelf [ ʃelf ] , mirror [ ˈmɪrə(r) ] , lamp [ læmp ] , clock [ klɒk ] , fork [ fɔːk ] , knife [ naɪf ] , spoon [ spuːn ], flower - pot [ ˈflaʊə(r) - pɒt ] , telephone [ ˈtelɪfəʊn ] , brush [ brʌʃ ] , vacuum cleaner [ ˈvæk.juːm ˈkliː.nər ], iron [ ˈaɪən ] , shower [ ˈʃaʊə(r) ] , cooker [ ˈkʊkə(r) ] .