Read the text "Bananas" and answer the question. Write the answer as shown in the example.
Example: Steve Jobs
A lot of people like bananas. Europeans probably first brought them from Asia. Historians say that it was Alexander the
Great who first saw them in India. But on the large scale, the import of bananas to Britain began near the end of the
19th century. Nowadays they mainly come to Britain from Central America.
There is a well-known story about one English lord who liked bananas very much. Once, when he was eating a banana, a
friend of his said, "Nothing tastes better than a banana right from the tree."
The words made the lord think. It is not hot enough to grow bananas in Britain. So the lord built a special greenhouse
and bought a banana plant. The house was heated day and night. The lord had to wait for the first banana for a long
time, but at last! The first banana was ripe.
The cook picked up the banana, placed it on a gold plate, put a gold fork and a gold knife nearby and brought it to the
lord. The lord cut a piece of banana, ate it and then threw everything to the floor.
He shouted: "Damn! It tastes like any other banana! But it is the most expensive banana in the world. It cost me about
three thousand pounds!"
What is the name of the man who first saw bananas in India?
Волк – зверь относительно крупный. Его шерсть может быть почти белой, а порой она рыжеватая. Окрас полностью зависит от того, в какой местности волк живет. Морда у этого зверя достаточно широкая, а хвост длинный.
Это выносливое животное. Волк может пробежать несколько километров в поисках пищи. Этот зверь питается мясом.
Конечно, ему сложно самому поймать крупную добычу. Когда волк хочет полакомиться лосем, ему необходимо выйти на охоту не в одиночку, а вместе с товарищами. Чтобы охота успешно, хищники предпочитают собираться в стаи.
Волки – животные, уважающие тишину. Они не лают, как это делают собаки. Но изредка по ночам можно услышать протяжный волчий вой.
2. Are having
3. is shining
4. am looking
5. Are going
6. Are swimming
7. Are sailing
8. am looking
9. Are playing
10. Are building
11. Is
12. Are sitting
13. Drinking
14. Is going
15. Are
16. Is watching
17. Is telling
18. Are going
19. Is waiting
1. Paula is at a hotel.
2. The weather is great.
3. She is looking outside her window.
4. People are going towards the beach.
5. Children are playing near the edge of the bitch and others are building sandcastles.
6. The restaurant is located to the left of Paula’s hotel.
7. Yes, they do.
8. Paula’s brother is watching television.
9. Paula’s father is waiting for Paula, her brother and mother downstairs.
10. Paula is writing to Sara.