Read the text below. Choose from (A–H) the one which best fits each space (1–6). There are two choices you do not need to use. Life at Wild Dog Research Camp
Imagine living in a place (1) . Where everyone lives in tents, and there’s a fire burning all the time for warmth and cooking. Where wild animals walk or run past day and night.
Madison McNutt, 12, and his brother Wilder, 8, live in the southern African country of Botswana at Wild Dog Research Camp, (2) and their mother works with local children, teaching them about conservation of the natural world.
More than a dozen adults live at dog camp, including their teacher, workers to help cook and keep the camp clean, and college students (3) . Wilder describes the set-up: “Fifteen tents in camp: ten for researchers and five for camp staff. We also have an office and an underground office (’cause it gets hot in the day and underground it is cool), a kitchen, a garage tent, and a laundry tent.” And they have a small museum (4) .
The boys live in their own tent attached to their parents’, several feet off the ground like a treehouse. Sometimes at night the boys spot animals like hyenas (5) .
Madison, (6) when he grows up, likes the wild dogs the best: “They are very social animals and are always nice to each other.” Both boys have learned a lot about the animals their father works to understand and protect.
A who have come to learn about wildlife
B who is rather tricky and dangerous
C that come to the birdbath in camp for a drink
D where you and your brother are the only kids
E where they keep all the bones of animals they find
F that the nearest village is a 20-minute ride away
G who wants to train dogs for the movies
H where their father studies wild dogs
Одного разу група мандрівників прибула в маленьке село. Вони були дуже втомленими і голодними, і у них зовсім не було їжі. У них була тільки велика каструля. Мандрівники попросили у аборигенів трохи їжі, але мешканці не довіряли мандрівникам і вони не хотіли ділитися з ними їжею.Мандрівники були засмучені, але у них був план. Вони наповнили їх казанок водою, поклали туди величезний камінь, і поставили його на вогонь, який вони розвели прям посеред площі у селі. Мандрівники сіли навколо багаття і казанка і чекали. Незабаром, жінка прийшла на площу.- "Що це ви робите"- запитала вона. - "Ми робимо кам'яний суп", сказали мандрівники. -"Це дуже смачно, але нам потрібно трохи спецій для юшки".- "У мене є трохи спецій", сказала жінка. - Можете нам дати трохи ваших спецій?", запитали мандрівники. "Тоді ми поділимося з вами нашим супом". Жінка взяла маленьку щіпку свіжих спецій з її кошика і кинула її в казанок. Вона сіла разом з кочівниками і вони розмовляли в той час, поки готувався суп. Через деякий час до них підійшов чоловік. -"Що це ви тут робите?", запитав чоловік. -"Ми варимо суп з каменю", сказали мандрівники. -"Це дуже смачно, але нам треба сюди покласти трохи мяса".-"У мене є трохи", сказав чоловік. -"Чи Можете ви дати трохи м'яса для нас?", запитали мандрівники. -"Ми з вами тоді поділимося нашим супом". Чоловік кинув м'ясо в казанок, і тоді чоловік разом з мандрівниками і жінкою приєднався до їхньої розмови і вони разом почали чекати коли приготується суп.Все більше і більше селян стало приходити на площу. Всі вони додавали в їжу казанок. Незабаром, вони були хорошими друзями. Казанок був наповнений м'ясом, картоплею і овочами, і смачно пахнув. Мандрівники поділилися з жителями супом і вони всі насолодилися чудовим обідом.
1. My sister gets up at 8 o’clock.
My sister doesn't get up at 8 o’clock.
Does my sister get up at 8 o’clock?
2. I sometimes go out with my friends on Saturday evenings.
I sometimes don't go out with my friends on Saturday evenings.
Do I sometimes go out with my friends on Saturday evenings?
3. The plane to New York takes off at 7 pm.
The plane to New York doesn't take off at 7 pm.
Does the plane to New York take off at 7 pm?
4. They speak English very well.
They don't speak English very well.
Do they speak English very well?
5. He drives a bus.
He doesn't drive a bus.
Does he drive a bus?
6. His company sells computer games.
His company doesn't sell computer games.
Does his company sell computer games?
7. Michael cycles to work in the morning.
Michael doesn't cycle to work in the morning.
Does Michael cycle to work in the morning?
8. The computer shop opens at 10 a.m.
The computer shop doesn't open at 10 a.m.
Does the computer shop open at 10 a.m.?
9. She usually watches the news on TV in the morning.
She usually doesn't watch the news on TV in the morning.
Does she usually watch the news on TV in the morning?
10. I pay all my credit card bills once a month.
I don't pay all my credit card bills once a month.
Do I pay all my credit card bills once a month?
11. The sun rises in the east.
The sun doesn't rise in the east.
Does the sun rise in the east?
12. Tom cleans his car every weekend.
Tom doesn't clean his car every weekend.
Does Tom clean his car every weekend?
13. Our ship leaves the port in 30 minutes.
Our ship doesn't leave the port in 30 minutes.
Does our ship leave the port in 30 minutes?
14. I like this band a lot.
I don't like this band a lot.
Do I like this band a lot?
15. The bus arrives at 7 am.
The bus doesn't arrive at 7 am.
Does the bus arrive at 7 am. ?
16. The train leaves at 6.30 in the evening.
The train doesn't leave at 6.30 in the evening.
Does the train leave at 6.30 in the evening?
17. Paul likes Chinese food.
Paul doesn't like Chinese food.
Does Paul like Chinese food?
18. The meeting starts at 2.30.
The meeting doesn't start at 2.30.
Does the meeting start at 2.30?
19. The show finishes at 9 o’clock.
The show doesn't finish at 9 o’clock.
Does the show finish at 9 o’clock?
20. The Amazon River flows into the Pacific Ocean.
The Amazon River doesn't flow into the Pacific Ocean.
Does the Amazon River flow into the Pacific Ocean?