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05.04.2023 09:20 •  Английский язык

Read the texts and do the tasks. Talk about sport in any language, and sooner or later you'll find yourself using English words. The British were the first people to write down standard rules for a lot of sports, even in sports like tennis which was invented by the French, or golf which was probably played in Holland, before becoming a national sport in Scotland.
    As the rules of lots of different sports spread all over the world, so did the language of sport. In the world of horse-racing, words like groom and lad and steeplechase spread to other countries; so too did the word "Derby". The word came to mean an important race, usually between horses. One of the most famous horse races in Ireland is called the Irish Sweeps Derby, and one of the most famous American races is called the Kentucky Derby; and the word is used for other sports too, for important matches between two rival teams. In England, the "Manchester Derby" is a football match between Manchester United and Manchester City.
But where did this word come from? Why a "Derby"? Just like "Rugby", "Derby" (pronounced "Darby") is the name of a town in the middle of England; it is also the name of England's most famous horse race, The Derby. But the Derby is not run in the town of Derby, of course! That would be too simple!
    Today the Derby has the reputation of being the world's most famous classic horse race. It is certainly the oldest and one of the biggest. Some years, over 600 horses are entered for the race; however only about 25 of them will actually take part in the great race on Derby day at the beginning of June.
         It is said that the Derby was born during a dinner party in the year 1779, at the house of a nobleman, the Earl of Derby, near Epsom, a quiet village about 20 miles to the west of London. Like most aristocrats of the day, the earl loved horse-racing, and the open hilltops near his house were an excellent place for his jockeys to test their skills and speed against challengers. At the dinner party, the earl's friends decided to organize a big race for three-year old horses, and in respect for their host, they called it "the Derby".  Very soon, the Derby became the most popular horse race in England - even in Europe. People could easily drive out in their carriages from London to watch the big race. In 1788, the Prince of Wales came to watch the race for the first time, and by the year 1800 start of the 19th century the Derby had become an important date in the annual social and sporting calendar.
    It didn't just interest aristocrats, of course. Though most racehorses at the time were owned by aristocratic families, horse-racing was a very popular sport with ordinary people too, as it still is today. In 1847, the House of Commons decided that it should not work on Derby Day. By doing so, it virtually made the day into a national holiday, as other people followed the parliamentary example.  From then on, thousands of ordinary people from London would crowd onto the trains on Derby Day, to enjoy a day at the races, a bit of excitement, and a breath of fresh air.
    The Derby was one of the first sporting events to be shown on television. In 1932, long before public TV broadcasts began, the race was shown on closed circuit television to a select audience in the Metropole Cinema, in London. Then, in 1946, it was one of the first sports events to be broadcast on BBC television.  Today, the Derby is watched on TV by millions of people all over Britain, and in other countries too, thanks to satellite communications.
Define if the statements are true or false.
1.     The British were the first people to write down standard rules for a lot sports, even in sports like tennis which was invented by the French.
a.   True
b.   false
2.     Before Golf became a national sport in Scotland, itwas apparently played in  England.
a.   True
b.   false
3.   Derby is considered to be one of the most famous classic horse races in the world, which takes place at the beginning of June.
a.   True
b.   false
4.   Every June over 600 horses participate in the oldest and one of the biggest horse races in Derby.
a.   True
b.   false
5.   Choose the right definition of the given words: Gambler
a.   a person who invites other people
b.   a person who looks after the horse
c.    competition of speed
d.   a person who plays with money
6.   Find the synonym of the word: grab
a.   spread
b.   seize
c.    broadcast
d.   extend

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20.11.2022 00:24
Я тут сделал чето,вот: Plans for future is a problem that worries not only me, but my friends, classmates, parents and teachers. The reason is that at the age of 17 we have to make a very important choice in our life – the choice of a profession. On the one hand, I’m adult enough to have an opinion of my own about what I’m interested in and what I’m good at. On the other hand, at this age we lack life experience and our desires sometimes don’t coincide with our possibilities. That’s why it’s very important to have somebody to give us a piece of advice. Such people are our parents, teachers and friends. Ты там как нибудь с родителей отредактируй как надо.
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30.11.2022 18:04
Самый совершенный и самый влиятельный английский художник восемнадцатого века был Томас Гейнсборо. До 1774 года Гейнсборо не писал пейзажи и портреты в различных провинциальных центрах, прежде чем остановиться в Лондоне за последние четырнадцать лет своей жизни. Несмотря на то, элегантное ослабление его дам и господ обязан своему исследованию Ван Дейка, Гейнсборо достигается в его полнометражный портреты свежесть и лирическую благодать всю свою собственную. Местами возражения против отсутствия структуры в его невесомые фигуры уносятся красотой его цвета и тонкость его прикосновения. Фигура в Марии графини Howe, окрашенные в середине 1760-х, изящно поставлена ​​перед пейзажного фона. Гейнсборо израсходовал свою на мягкое мерцание света над вышитой органди ее верхней одежды и каскады кружев на локтях, сверкающие в мягком английском воздухе; только твердые акценты в картине являются ее проницательные глаза. Хотя Gainsboroughwas страна происхождения, его элементы ландшафта, кажется искусственным, добавляют как кусочки пейзажа, чтобы установить пространственную среду для изысканной игрой цвета на рисунке.

В дальнейшей жизни Гейнсборо окрашены более свободно и открыто. Хотя его пейзажи, которые он предпочел его портреты, выдохнуть типично английской свежести, они были написаны в студии на основе небольших моделей, вместе взятые из мха и гальки. Построенный в грандиозной манере Хоббемы, голландского мастера семнадцатого века, и окрашены с мягкими мазками стирке, как у Ватто, рыночной корзину, 1787, показывает почти восторженный оставление настроению природы, что привело к большой английский пейзажисты начала девятнадцатого века.

Констебль сказал, что пейзаж Гейнсборо переехал его до слез, и созерцая свободу и красоту картины тележки и мальчика сбора хвороста, не говоря уже о лучах света кажущейся исходить изнутри деревом в центре, можно понять, Зачем
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