Read what Mrs Fryer said in the article. Write a report. Use Indirect Speech.
e.g. Mrs Fryer said that she had been surprised when
she came downstairs for breakfast one morning.
Fantastic Mr Fox
Mrs Fryer: "I was surprised when I came downstairs for breakfast one
morning. A little fox got into our kitchen and fell asleep on top of the
microwave! It got through the cat's door and left a lot of dirty spots on the
I rang the vet. The vet Phil Norman came to help me and took the fox
to Animal Hospital. They found nothing wrong with the fox and it was able
to go back into the wild."
1. Пассивный залог простое время.
Ему сказали прийти вовремя.
2. Активный залог простое время.
Я сказал ему прийти вовремя.
3. Активный залог, будущее простое время.
Он напишет свой отчёт через несколько дней.
4. Пассивный залог, будущее простое время.
Его отчёт будет написан через несколько дней.
5. Активный залог, настоящее простое время.
Они часто спрашивают меня об этом.
6. Пассивный залог, настоящее простое время.
Меня часто спрашивают об этом.
7. Активный залог, настоящее совершенное время.
Они только что построили это кафе.
8. Пассивный залог, настоящее совершенное время.
Это кафе только что построено.
1. Our friends lived in London two years ago.
2. Children are taught English at school.
3. We are going into the country next summer.
4. I will be invited by him to the theatre next Sunday.
5. They saw the ballet last month.
6. She was waited by us at the bus stop yesterday.
7. He has changed greatly since I saw him last.
8. The article has been already published by him.
9. My sister was playing in the garden when I came.
10. We were having dinner by half past seven.
11. By the end of the next year the library will be built.
12. Pete graduated from the Institute in two years.
1. За ребёнком хорошо присматривали.
2. На его статью часто ссылаются.
3. Его лекции всегда слушали с большим интересом и вниманием.
4. На климат Великобритании значительно влияет море.
5. Он настоящий друг, и на него можно положиться.
6. За доктором пошлют.
7. Она такая смешная, и над ней всегда смеются.
8. На картину смотрят с восхищением.
9. Все их вопросы скоро будут отвечены.
10. За лекцией следовал фильм.
I know Adrian for a very long time - we are friends since our first day at school, thirty years ago. He came tound to see me last night to ask my advice. His company has been doing well for the last few years and they have opened several new offices. They have just asked Adrian to move the Scotland, to run an office there. He hasn't divided what to do yet. He doesn't really want to move: he has never lived outside Manchester and he bought a new house last year. But the new job would be interesting and very well paid. we have been talking about it for a long time last night, but of course I couldn't tell him what to do