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Reading Complete the text with the words in the box Green, eggs, diet, energy, teeth, nuts, hungry, good, rice, vitamins We all need food to live, but we are not always sure what makes a balanced 1. Most of us know sugar and too much fat are not 2, but what do we actually need? Fruit and vegetables, particularly 3 vegetables like spinach and broccoli are full of 4, minerals and fibre. We need at least five portions of these to help reduce heart problems and to keep our skin and hair healthy. They can also help us fight disease. Scientists think that carbohydrates such as 5, pasta, bread and potatoes should be the main part of our diet. These give us energy and stop us feeling 6. They also contain vitamin B, iron and calcium. Lots of people like to have a portion of meat, fish or 7 as part of their meal. These kinds of food are good sources of protein, minerals and some vitamin. Fish is very good for us, it contains protein, vitamin D and healthy oils. The fat in meat is not good for us so we should eat lean meat and poultry like chicken and turkey. A good source of protein is 8. These do not come from animals and are full of goodness and are healthy snack between meals. Many groups of food, such as fruit and carbohydrates, contain sugar naturally. These forms of sugar give us 9. But beware of man-made, or processed, sugar. We can not use all the energy in it and so we put on weight. It is also very bad for our 10 and means more trips to the dentist. Correct the sentences by replacing one word in each sentence with a word from the text. 1. We should eat five or fewer portions of fruit and vegetables a day )fewer – more). 2. Fruit can help us cure disease. 3. Protein should be the biggest part of our diet. 4. Fish contains vitamin B and oil. 5. Chicken is a form of fatty meat. 6. Natural sugar in cakes and sweets is bad for us. PEANUT BUTTER Americans love to eat peanut butter. But what is peanut butter? It is a thick creamy paste. You buy it in a jar at the grocery store. Manufacturers roast peanuts and take off the skin. Then they grind them into a thick paste – that is peanut butter. The peanut is not really a nut, but a pea. It is a strange pea because it grows underground. But peanut plants also have green vines with yellow flowers. These vines or stems grow above the ground. Peanuts are very healthy for you. They have more protein than a steak and they have many vitamins. The peanut comes from South America, but peanut butter is food that is truly “American”. Peanut butter started in 1890 in St .Louis. A doctor made some peanut butter. He gave it to patients who could not eat regular food. Later, peanut butter was popular as healthy food. Peanut butter is very popular with children in the United States. Perhaps their favourite way to eat it is a sandwich. Many children add jelly to their peanut butter sandwi Choose the right variant 1. Peanut butter is….. A. a thick creamy paste; B. jelly; C.a sandwich; D. a flower. 2. The peanut is a ….. A. nut; B.pea; C. kind of steak; D. fruit. 3. Peanut butter started ….. A. in South America; B. underground; C.in 1890, St.Louis; D.in 1980, in St.Louis 4. A pea grows …. A. in the tree; B. underground; C. above the ground; D. in the vines. 5. A doctor made some peanut butter and gave it to patients who … A. could not sleep; B. could not run very quickly; C. could not eat regular food; D. could eat regular food. 6. Peanuts are healthy because A. they have much protein and vitamins; B. they are tasty; C.they help to build muscles; D. they give extra energy. 7. You can buy peanut butter…A. at the department store; B. at the bakery; C. at the grocery; D. at the fishmonger. 8. Peanut butter is …. That is truly ‘American’ A. a food; B. a nut; C. jelly; D. a paste. IN SPACE These days , American astronauts eat normal food. There is a choice of about 90 kinds of food, even sausages and ice-cream. Some food is in tins and some is dried – the astronauts add water to it. Each astronaut has food for four days. ON A MOUNTAIN Mountaineers carry all their food. Dried food is popular because it is light to carry. Most mountaineers also carry chocolate bars because they contain lots of energy. They usually carry emergency food too. This is about 300 grams of cooked food in an envelope. UNDER THE SEA On a modern submarine, like the USS Indianopolis, the sailors eat salads, chicken and vegetables - not fried food! ‘We want food to be tasty but healthy – my favourite is vegetable lasagna’, said one of the sailors. IN A PLANE Every day, passengers on planes all over the world eat nearly three million meals. They eat over 500 million peanuts a day and aeroplane meals usually include salad, meat or fish and dessert. It is possible to order a special meal on most planes, for vegetarians or others who need a special diet. Define if

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06.07.2020 23:38

I am going through to only process I who to talk be be about to is the a way person am able not get to a time only you I there in I my get give job in touch for with to and able a get you a touch the you and see of day month day have be wait be the you week or two to be a good day to be get to and in the touch and for am do to mean want only time to I is it a to in touch for a me in touch with the time company get to out in a only time I you you how that a have ever had so far and I am so I have ever been in

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29.04.2020 20:34



My shopping day is pretty simple. First of all, I plan what I want to buy, for instance, clothes, products, etc. After that I know exactly where I should go to get what I need. In addition, the list of things makes shopping easier and helps me spend less money. As for me, during that day I buy more clothes than usual and sometimes buy other stuff like some appliances. All in all, this day I spend in shops buying things that I need trying not to spend much money but, unfortunately, sometimes I can't stand buying something that I like.


Мой торговый день довольно прост. Прежде всего, я планирую, что я хочу купить, например, одежду, продукты и т. д. После этого я точно знаю, куда мне следует пойти, чтобы получить то, что мне нужно. Кроме того, список вещей облегчает покупки и мне тратить меньше денег. Что касается меня, то в этот день я покупаю больше одежды, чем обычно, и иногда покупаю другие вещи, такие как некоторые приборы. В общем, этот день я провожу в магазинах, покупая то, что мне нужно, стараясь не тратить много денег, но, к сожалению, иногда я не могу купить то, что мне нравится.

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