Reading Computer Gaming: What's real and what's not?
1. Rewarding a. informal
2. To pull the trigger | b. Make someone con scious ofa danger or problem
3. colloquial c. An action to make a gun fire
4. to wam d. Begin to exist or develop
5. A link e. Without being affected or influenced by smth else
6. To anse f. Giving satisfaction or pleasure
7. Regardless g. Without clear edges difficult to see orunderstand
8. To blur h. Arelation a connection
Computer Gaming: What's real and what's not?
Put in the right words.
I like this because it means I can read a book or a newspaper. On the Continent, everybody wants to tell you his life story. Some years ago I travelled by train from London to Paris. It was my first visit to Paris so I made up my mind to tour round France for my holidays. As I was going on a long journey I took a lot of books with me. There was an Englishman in the compartment with me and, in a typically English way, he did not speak a word during our journey through the English countryside or while crossing the Channel. But the minute we were in France he said, “Ah, now we are in France, we can talk.” And for the rest of the trip to Paris he told me his life story.