Reading Task 1. Read the text and use the words below and must/mustn't to write complete
1 talk/with/your mouth full
go swimming fatter a meal
gaat we
drinka lat ol water in the summer
5 put lots of/saly in the soup
2 eat lot of trutt und vegetables 6 cook/lood well
15 points)
2) He took part in the sittings. отглагольным существительным
3) She is looking at the woman sitting at the window. причастием
4) After saying this he left the room. герундием
5) Have you any reason for saying such things? герундием
6) The reading of this book took two hours. отглагольным существительным (хотя кое-кто считает его герундием с определённым артиклем)
7) He sat in the arm-chair reading a newspaper. причастием
8) My little son shows his enjoyment by crying. герундием
9) The crying child was comforted by his nurse. причастием
10) She stopped crying, looked up, said nothing. герундием
2 weekday evening I rarely home
3 My son loves to play soccer
4, my sister's son is going to go to college this year, and my son is already studying at the institute
5 When you have answered the letter of your friend? -day before yesterday.
6 yesterday was beautiful weather.
7, we have decided to read this article and discuss it
8 Five years ago I lived in Minsk when I worked at the factory
9 last races I played volleyball 5 years ago
10 when he decided to go to the hospital? - last week.
11 where it was last month? -one was in hospital.
12 How long does the film? * -one Lasted 3:00