Rend the text
Hello, my name is Brxst 3. I am what you call an alien. I live on Murkst. That is three universe
дау from Earth. I am 12.654 light-years old. I am green and my hair is red. I amn 22 toes high
have one big and one small eve On each hand I have four fingers. I have twelve sisters and thirteen
brothers. We were all born on the same day. My favourite food is worms with popcom. I lov
playing piano with my feet and writing moon poems with my ear. I man working in a star countin
office. We count stars the whole day. It is very funny. I have found 134 trillion stars. Sometime
we find it funny to start from the beginning again. I don't have an own family. But I have a pet.
is a cross between a hamster and a kitchen monster. His name is Fullmoon
Task 1. Read the sentences and write TRUE or FALSE next to the sentences.
1 The ulien's name is Brest
2 Boxst live on the Marxt
3 Brest as green
b) At a school in the Annapurna mountains in Nepal, classes don't start until 10 am. In Japan, it isn't unusual for students to spend two hours or more getting to school on public transport.
c) The average school day in the UK and the US is 6.5 hours for high school students. After school students in Korea and Greece attend extra classes in private schools.
d) All schools have rules. In Japan, everyone has to participate in 'o soji', or the cleaning of the school, before they go home, whereas at Summerhill School in England, it's the students who make the rules!
e) We shouldn't forget that 300 million children in the world don't have any schools to go to. So even if you'd like to change some things about your school, you really are one of the lucky ones!