ребят я понимаю что на этой фотке всё очень плохо видно, но , завтра впр по английскому и нам дали хоть какой то шанс узнать какие картинки там будут, иии нужно описать их, что увидите то и описывайте, обязательно 7 предложений, а то не засчитают, начните так: I'd like to duscribe picture number... , заранее , всех люблю♡
2. Boy is sitting with a computer . He wears white and orange sweater. Boy wears his headphones.He is shoked and upset. Maybe he has just lost a game. Or he broked his computer. He is afraid maybe.
3. Girl is going by train. She is bored. She decided to look for the window. She is upset because she misses her town. Girl looks on trees and houses and drinks coffee.
ответ: I'd like to duscribe picture number 1. I take a photo near a beautiful view.
Photo 2: I'd like to duscribe picture number 2. I am sitting at my computer
I’d like to duscribe picture number 3
I go on a long journey and look out the window. Вроде так. Ужас
1 фото не понял.
2. Boy is sitting with a computer . He wears white and orange sweater. Boy wears his headphones.He is shoked and upset. Maybe he has just lost a game. Or he broked his computer. He is afraid maybe.
3. Girl is going by train. She is bored. She decided to look for the window. She is upset because she misses her town. Girl looks on trees and houses and drinks coffee.
(сорян, как смог)