Relatives (choose the correct item):1 This is the shop (which, where, who) I ordered my trainers. 2. John knows the person (who, which, whose) stars in the film. 3. That's the girl (whom, whose, which) brother is a doctor. 4. I didn't know anyone (which, whose, who) at Lisa's party.
please write the offer number and the correct answer
It is very beautiful, but also very difficult kind of art, because, unlike television filming, the actor is no room for error. He is in front of the audience, at a glance. And the audience always feels how sincerely the actor behaves on stage. If, during the shooting of the film has the ability to shoot a new take, the performing arts there is no such possibility.
Modern theatrical scenes are striking in their beauty. Come up with special tools that make the scenery appear and disappear, as if by magic. Force of color and light can be felt only after visiting the theater. Many misleading if someone thinks that the sacrament of theatrical performance - it is an achievement of only one actor. This is a great team of professionals: and decorators, and directors, and musicians, and technicians and costume designers. Thanks to these people, we have the opportunity to enjoy this ancient art.