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removed. Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (1–5). There is one
extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Parkrun – the craze that’s sweeping the country
Parkrun is a five-kilometre run that takes place at around 200 locations across Britain, from the
far north of Scotland to the most southern tip of Cornwall. 0 G And with runners in countries
such as Denmark, Poland, and Afghanistan also putting on their running gear and getting out
there at the same time, the event is not limited to Britain.
When the run is over, every runner’s time is posted on the Parkrun website, or texted to their
mobile phone by midday. This means that friends and family members running at different
Parkrun sites can compete with each other. 1 The organizers of Parkrun, however, insist that
the run is not intended to be a competitive race.
According to the organizers, the idea behind Parkrun is very simple. 2 People don’t mind
getting up for nine o’clock on Saturdays because then the rest of the weekend is free for other
activities. Another advantage is that once runners have registered on the website, they can turn
up and run at any Parkrun event at any time. Some runners are so keen to improve their speeds
that they do the run week after week. Regular Parkrunners include 80-year-olds, as well as
schoolchildren. No one is ever turned away, no matter how old they are. Hannah Willett started
when she was eight, after seeing a Parkrun near her home. Now, four years later, she is one of
the few runners to have completed over 150 Parkruns, hardly missing a week, and covering an
amazing 760 kilometres.
The standard varies. 3 Running next to them may be professional athletes. One Olympic
runner has completed the five kilometres in just under 14 minutes. But while some come to
break records, others just take part for the reward of a cup of coffee and some cake, and the
chance to catch up with their friends.
The first Parkrun was held in 2004 near London with just 13 runners. It grew slowly at first, with
a few venues added each year. But Parkrun has gained a massive number of fans in recent
years. 4 If this trend continues, which seems likely, there will soon be 100,000 regular
weekly runners.
There are Parkruns in cities such as London, Manchester, and Sheffield. 5 These offer
wonderful scenery, and sometimes go past ancient buildings and monuments. There are still
some parts of the south-west and central England that do not have a local event, but the
organization has plans to fill these gaps within a few months.
A The most popular runs, however, are in areas of unspoilt countryside.
B Many runners also try to beat their own personal best times.
C In fact, the number of runners each year has doubled.
D Perhaps this is the secret of its success.
E But none of that is important really.
F Some may walk the course, perhaps because they are recovering from injuries, and take well over
an hour.
G At exactly 9 a.m. every Saturday morning, around 25,000 runners are ready to set off.
Write an article about keeping fit for a local magazine (140–180 words).
‘The best way to get and stay fit.’
Include the following information:
• say why fitness is important in people’s lives
• suggest different ways people can get some exercise
• explain the importance of also having a healthy diet​

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23.02.2022 05:19

The ways  of life in many parts of the world have changed. This is the result of changes in the weather and the climate n many parts of the world.Besides this there are numbers of large factories,plants, electric power stations and railways all over the world,And today there are millions of cars and lorries on the roads.o the water and the air are already not so clean. Fires destroy the work of nature.Big forest in many places have burnt or cut down. People have always hunted valuable animals for their skins.

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24.06.2020 18:03

Exercise 3. Use the correct form of the infinitive of the verb in brackets.

1. Robert hopes (to be selected) to play in next week's football match.

2. I'm sorry (to disturb) you, but could you tell me the time?

3. It is ever so kind of you (to have sent) all those lovely flowers when I was ill.

4. If he is seriously ill, his wife wants (to be told) immediately.

5. The police are looking for a missing boy. He is believed (to be wearing) a white pullover and blue jeans.

6. When we got to the airport, we found all the flights (to have been cancelled) that day.

7. I meant (to telephone), but I forgot.

8. You were silly (not to lock) your car.

9. Why is she so late? - She can still (be working).

10. I'm sorry (not to have come) last Thursday.

11. If you go out like that you're certain (to be recognized) sooner or later.

12. We hope (to have finished) the work by next Saturday.

13. I would (have gone) to university if my parents had had more money.

14. Well, I am not sorry (to have missed) that train. I should not have met you otherwise.

15. There were always four little boys (to pick up) balls and at least three dozen balls (to be picked up).

16. I like (to give) presents to friends, but even more I like (to be given) gifts.

17. The dictionary seems (to belong) to my great-grandfather.

18. It appears (to have been published) ages ago.

19. The young man seemed (to be studying) Marion, and she gave him a cold stare.

20. The key to the grandfather clock was believed (to have been lost) some twenty years before.

21. One more window remained (to be washed).

22. The case was urgent. The man had (to be operated on).

23. He was sorry (not to have noticed) the fax on the secretary's table.

24. Everybody is going (to be given) a rise.

25. English people don't like (to be told) what to do.

26. I'm so dreadfully sorry (to have bothered) you in this stupid way.

27. He kept late hours last night, he may still (be sleeping).

28. "She must (have been) very beautiful years ago, " Maren thought.

29. It's a secret, and no one else must (be told).

30. Good bye. So pleased (to have met) you.

31. He's a talented engineer. He's supposed (to be working) at a new invention.

32. She seems (to have been working) at her course paper since spring and says she has still a lot (to do).

33. I've just seen him passing the entrance door, so he can't (be working) at the laboratory as you say.

34. You probably think that I must (have been living) a very gay life in France, but it wasn't so.

35. No words can describe it: it must (be seen).

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