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19.03.2022 09:43 •  Английский язык

Rend the article below about internet shopping and answer the questions. Choose the correct variant. (Прочитайте текст и выполните тест по содержанию текста. Выберите только один правильный ответ) Safe Shopping On The Internet
The increasing availability of the internet and digital TV mean that it's now even easier to shop without leaving your home. But as a consumer, you should still take care when paving for goods and services.
Before you buy маке a note of the company's contact details, including a street address and landline telephone number. Never rely on just an email address. You should also remember that you may have to pay for shipping costs, customs duty, VAT, etc. All these hidden costs can push the price of the goods or service. It should be quite clear if you are expected to pay any extract costs and VAT should be included in all prices quoted.
Paying for goods online. It may be worth paying by credit card. If the goods or services you are buying cost over 100 pounds and pay credit card, you may be protected by the Consumer Credit Act. This states that the credit card company is equally liable for any defects. Therefore, should a problem arise, you can claim either from the trader or from the credit card company.
Note that for this protection to apply, the contract price must be over 100 pounds. For example, if you buy a suit, the jacket of which costs 75 pounds and the trousers cost 40 pounds, you would have protection. However, if you bought the items separately instead of as one suit, you would not be afforded the same protection as neither of the items amount to 100 pounds.
Problems can arise when the company you are buying from is based outside the EU. For example, a guarantee may not be valid in the UK, or the goods may not work in the UK Although UK law may cover your contract, in practice it might be difficult to get money out of a company based abroad.
Top tips
- Make sure that the web address of the page starts https: / before you enter any personal information or payment details. The «s» stands for «secure». There should be a small padlock that appears in the bottom of your screen.
- Always print out a copy of your order and copy of the acknowledgement that you should receive.
- Always check your bank statements carefully if you purchase something on the internet.
- You should never be asked to tell anyone your card's PIN number, even if they claim to be from your bank or the police. Never send your PIN number to anyone over the internet.
What to do if things go wrong?
If you by goods on the internet, you still have the same rights as if you were shopping on the high street, in relation to fault or poorly described goods.
In addition, you are entitled to a seven working-day «cooling off» period, as described in the "distance selling" section of the factsheet «Your right to cancel».

1. The text is:
a) a warning to readers about the dangers of internet shopping;
b) an instruction to shoppers about the steps which must be followed when shopping on the internet;
c) an advertisement produced by a trader to help future shoppers;
d) a recommendation about how to buy online.
2. According to the text, which of the following should you do before you make an online purchase?
a. Make a note of the seller's email address.
b. Check that the final price includes all additional casts, such as delivery and taxes.
c. Make sure that your bank statement is up-to-date.
d. Print out the copy of the goods that you intend to buy.
3. As UK citizen you can get protection from your credit card company if you buy Goods:
a) in the EU which turn out to be faulty;
b) with a valid guarantee;
c) at home which cost more than 100 pounds;
d) at home which cost less than 100pounds.
4. What two features show a shopper that a merchant's site is safe?
a) two letters;
b) two pictures;
c) one letter;
d) one letter and one picture.
5. What should never be sent by internet?
a) personal information;
b) payment details:
c) PIN;
d) bank statements.
6.customers buy goods on the internet, they have:
a) more rights than a higher street shopper;
b) the same rights as a high street shopper;
c) fewer rights than a high street shopper;
d) poor rights compared to a high street shopper

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12.05.2023 15:02
В моём городе много больших и маленьких магазинов. Когда нам нужно купить что-либо, мы идём за покупками. Мои родители идут на шоппинг за продуктами питания в ближайший супермаркет почти ежедневно. У нас также есть особый день для шоппинга, когда мы идём в различные магазины вместе. Это суббота, потому что у всех членов моей семьи это выходной день. Мы ходим по нескольким магазинам в этот день. Это может быть бакалея, булочная, магазин одежды, магазин косметики, аптека, магазин электроники и некоторые другие. Мой любимый магазин – это магазин одежды. Мне действительно нравится идти на шоппинг за новой одеждой и обувью. Моя мама всегда мне выбрать правильный размер и правильную модель. Однако я предпочитаю ходить по магазинам с моими лучшими друзьями. Недалеко от места, где я живу, расположен огромный торговый центр с многочисленными магазинами, ресторанами, катком, кинотеатром и развлекательными заведениями. Мы часто ходим туда за шопингом или чтобы просто хорошо провести время. С недавних пор, это стало одним из наших излюбленных времяпрепровождения. Мы не всегда покупаем что-то, но рассматривание витрин может быть также весело. Мои родители говорят, что в не было таких больших магазинов как этот, и иногда было сложно найти, что хотелось. Сейчас я даже не могу представить, как люди могли жить без магазинов и товаров. Я рада, что у нас есть много возможностей для шоппинга.
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10.11.2022 22:11
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11. Can Her granny  tell fortunes from cards.?
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Her granny can tell fortunes from cards.,cant she?
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12. Have I  made an apple-pie.?
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 I have made an apple-pie.,havent I?
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What have I made?
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