Replace the long form of the verb with the short form. 1. I was not riding a horse at this time last Sunday. 2. You (TUI) were not cycling at 5 pm yesterday. 3. He was not snorkelling at 8 am this morning. 4. She was not water-skiing at 11 am yesterday. 5. It was not swimming here at this time a week ago. 6. We were not fishing at 4 am this morning. 7. You (Tu) were not surfing at 2 pm. 8. They were not sailing at this time a month ago.
Добрый день класс! Сегодня мы решим упражнение, которое поможет нам закрепить знание о сокращении длинной формы глагола в короткую форму. Посмотрите на предложения и попробуйте заменить длинную форму глагола на короткую.
1. I was not riding a horse at this time last Sunday.
(I wasn't riding a horse at this time last Sunday.)
2. You (TUI) were not cycling at 5 pm yesterday.
(You weren't cycling at 5 pm yesterday.)
3. He was not snorkelling at 8 am this morning.
(He wasn't snorkelling at 8 am this morning.)
4. She was not water-skiing at 11 am yesterday.
(She wasn't water-skiing at 11 am yesterday.)
5. It was not swimming here at this time a week ago.
(It wasn't swimming here at this time a week ago.)
6. We were not fishing at 4 am this morning.
(We weren't fishing at 4 am this morning.)
7. You (Tu) were not surfing at 2 pm.
(You weren't surfing at 2 pm.)
8. They were not sailing at this time a month ago.
(They weren't sailing at this time a month ago.)
Отличная работа, ребята! Вы справились с заданием по замене длинной формы глагола на короткую форму. Таким образом, мы избавляемся от дублирования слова "not" и сокращаем предложение, делая его более лаконичным. Это очень полезный навык, который поможет нам говорить более естественно и свободно на английском языке.
А теперь я хочу, чтобы каждый из вас составил свои собственные предложения, используя короткую форму глагола с отрицанием. Обменяемся предложениями и проверим работу над ошибками. Удачи вам, и продолжайте отлично учиться!
1. I was not riding a horse at this time last Sunday.
(I wasn't riding a horse at this time last Sunday.)
2. You (TUI) were not cycling at 5 pm yesterday.
(You weren't cycling at 5 pm yesterday.)
3. He was not snorkelling at 8 am this morning.
(He wasn't snorkelling at 8 am this morning.)
4. She was not water-skiing at 11 am yesterday.
(She wasn't water-skiing at 11 am yesterday.)
5. It was not swimming here at this time a week ago.
(It wasn't swimming here at this time a week ago.)
6. We were not fishing at 4 am this morning.
(We weren't fishing at 4 am this morning.)
7. You (Tu) were not surfing at 2 pm.
(You weren't surfing at 2 pm.)
8. They were not sailing at this time a month ago.
(They weren't sailing at this time a month ago.)
Отличная работа, ребята! Вы справились с заданием по замене длинной формы глагола на короткую форму. Таким образом, мы избавляемся от дублирования слова "not" и сокращаем предложение, делая его более лаконичным. Это очень полезный навык, который поможет нам говорить более естественно и свободно на английском языке.
А теперь я хочу, чтобы каждый из вас составил свои собственные предложения, используя короткую форму глагола с отрицанием. Обменяемся предложениями и проверим работу над ошибками. Удачи вам, и продолжайте отлично учиться!