Reported speech.
Yesterday reporter Jane Goodwin interviewed a ranger at a new wildlife conservation park. She asked him the following questions.Turn them into reported speech using the verbs provided.
1. What made you decide to become a ranger?(want to know)
2. What kinds of animals do you have here at the park?(inquire)
3.Are many of the animals dangerous?(wonder)
4.Do the animals here need special care?(want to know)
5. Where do you keep the animals in the winter?(wonder)
The tiger is a large and strong animal, the largest member of the cat family. The body length is about 100 cm, weight up to 390 pounds. Pattern located on the body characteristic only to him. Tigers have beautiful green eyes, broad nose, rounded ears, and, of course, sharp teeth. He has excellent vision, good hearing and a good sense of smell.Tiger lives in Southern Asia, in the Far East. The largest is the Siberian tiger; lives only in the Far East. The main food is large hoofed animals such as wild boars, deer, antelope, and smaller animals. His hunting possession is extensive, he is constantly in search of new victims to hunt mostly alone. Great runner, but only on short distances. Can reach speed up to 50 km/h while hunting. First, he watches and guards the victim, and begins to chase only a short distance away. Tigers are very good swimmers. They live about 10 years.