Reporting Sentences 1-8 report what somebody said. Sentences a)-h) are what the person said. In each group of four match the sentences with similar meanings. 1. She disagreed with the idea. 2. She suggested discussing the issue at the following meeting 3. He recommended the Thompson proposal 4. She promised to finish the report by 8 th of September 5. She wondered if the Christmas party could be held in the canteen 6. She warned that we had a problem with the atmosphere at work 7. He pointed out how much work went into the company newsletter 8. We approved the Thompson proposal a) “Let’s discuss this issue at the next meeting” b) “I can have the report ready by 8 th of September” c) “I believe the Thompson proposal is the better one” d) “I’m not in favor of that idea” e) “The company newsletter needs a lot of time and energy” f) “We all agree with the Thompson proposal” g) “The atmosphere at work is bad and getting worse”
2. past - present
3. thick - thin
4. south - north
5. low - high
6. goodbye - hello
7. close - open
8. always - never
9. forget - remember
10. fall Ill - get well
11. left - right
12. short - tall
13. hate - love
14. friend - enemy
15. no - yes
16. happy- unhappy
17. -
18. safe - dangerous
19 often - rarely
20.maxi - mini
21. out - inside
22. old - new
23. man - women
24. far - close
25. poor - rich
26. wife - husband
27. wet - dry
28. old - young
29. host - guest
30. that - then
31. weak - strong
32. bad - good
33. alive - in the dead(?)
34. easy - hard
35. now - then
36. day - week
37. lie - truth
38. cold - hot
39. bottom - up
40. fail - pass
41. buy - sell
42 illegal - legal
43 -
44 advantage- disadvantage
45 -
46 boy - girl
47 -
48 west - east
49 give - get
50 full - incomplete (?)
где я не знаю ставлю -
где не уверена (?)