Big Ben (Engl. Big Ben — the name of the largest of the six bells of Westminster Palace in London, often the name refers to the clock and Clock tower as a whole. At the time of casting big Ben was the largest and heaviest (13,7 tons) a bell United Kingdom. In 1881 yielded to the bell Big Paul (English).Russian. (17 tons). It is believed that the bell was named big Ben (Big Ben) in honor of sir Benjamin Hall, the curator of the construction work. According to another version, he is named in honor of Benjamin count (eng.)Russian., popular boxer in the heavyweight division The tower was built by English architect Augustus Pugin in the Gothic revival style, 1859, the tower clock started on 31 may 1859. The height of the tower, including the spire — 96.3 meters. The lower part of the clock mechanism located at a height of 55 meters. The official name until September 2012 was the "Clock tower of Westminster Palace", in the press it was often called St. Stephen's Tower. According to the decision of the British Parliament renamed the Elizabeth Tower in honor of the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. The big clock of Westminster are the second largest in the world (next to the clock of the city Hall of Minneapolis) four-sided clock with fight.
The clock was designed by sir Edmund Beckett (English).Russian. and the astronomer Royal George airy. The creation of the watch was instructed in watchmaking master Edward John dent (English).Russian., after whose death in 1853 construction was headed by his stepson Frederick dent. Frederick completed the work in 1854.
The pendulum clock is installed inside the wind-proof box, located below the room with a clockwork mechanism. Its length is 4 meters, weight 300 kg. the pendulum is 2 seconds. The accuracy of the clock is regulated using coins, which are placed on the pendulum: the old (dodecahedra) coin 1 penny accelerates its motion by 0.4 seconds per day.
The total weight of the movement — 5 tons.
The dial diameter is 7 meters.
The length of the arrows is 2.7 and 4.2 meters.
At the base of each of the four dials is a Latin inscription "Domine Salvam fac Reginam nostram Victoriam primam" ("God save our Queen Victoria the First").
At the perimeter of the tower, to the right and to the left of the clock, is another phrase in Latin — "Laus Deo" ("Glory to God" or "praise the Lord")
July 27, 2012 from 8:12 to 8:15 the clock struck 30 times in honor of the opening of the XXX Olympic games. For the first time since 1952 chimes were working out the schedule.
Каждый человек на нашей планете любит развлекаться. все мы развлекаемся по разному - для одних это дискотеки, для других прогулки и ,в конце-концов, посещение театров или кино. меня больше всего привлекает театр. <br />В театре ты душевно разслабляешся и просматривая новую сцену всё больше увлекаешся спектаклем. Большинство людей считают, что театр- это интеллектуальное занятие. и наверное каждый из нас был в театре , но лишь единицы знаю откуда текут его вытоки. Одним из первых заведений был театр Диониса,что в Афинах. раньше их актёрами могли стать лишь древние греки. И играли они превосходно. но сейчас,к сожалению, театр находится в полуразрушенном состоянии. Там не играют спектакли и нет тысячи людей, собранных чтоб его посмотреть... Есть лишь огромное количество туристов которых манит история великого Театра, по образцу которого до сих пор строят современные театры. я имею непреодолимые желание навестить театр и искренне верю, что моя мечта обязательно сбудется!<br /><br /><br /> every person on this planet loves to entertain. we all have fun in different ways - for some, it is a disco, other rides and, in the end, going to the theater or cinema. I was most attracted to the theater. <br /> In the theater, you're mentally rested and looking new scene more and more fascinated by the performance. Most people believe that teatr- an intellectual exercise. and probably every one of us was in the theater, but few know where it Vytok flow. One of the first establishments was the theater of Dionysus, in Athens. before their actors could become only the ancient Greeks. And they played great. but now, unfortunately, the theater is in a dilapidated condition. They do not play shows and there are thousands of people gathered to watch it ... There are a huge number of tourists which attracts the great history of the Theatre, for which the model is still built modern theaters. I have an overwhelming desire to visit the theater and sincerely believe that my dream will come true! возможны ошибки,поэтому проверьте (на всякий случай)
At the time of casting big Ben was the largest and heaviest (13,7 tons) a bell United Kingdom. In 1881 yielded to the bell Big Paul (English).Russian. (17 tons).
It is believed that the bell was named big Ben (Big Ben) in honor of sir Benjamin Hall, the curator of the construction work. According to another version, he is named in honor of Benjamin count (eng.)Russian., popular boxer in the heavyweight division
The tower was built by English architect Augustus Pugin in the Gothic revival style, 1859, the tower clock started on 31 may 1859.
The height of the tower, including the spire — 96.3 meters. The lower part of the clock mechanism located at a height of 55 meters.
The official name until September 2012 was the "Clock tower of Westminster Palace", in the press it was often called St. Stephen's Tower. According to the decision of the British Parliament renamed the Elizabeth Tower in honor of the 60th anniversary of the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
The big clock of Westminster are the second largest in the world (next to the clock of the city Hall of Minneapolis) four-sided clock with fight.
The clock was designed by sir Edmund Beckett (English).Russian. and the astronomer Royal George airy. The creation of the watch was instructed in watchmaking master Edward John dent (English).Russian., after whose death in 1853 construction was headed by his stepson Frederick dent. Frederick completed the work in 1854.
The pendulum clock is installed inside the wind-proof box, located below the room with a clockwork mechanism. Its length is 4 meters, weight 300 kg. the pendulum is 2 seconds. The accuracy of the clock is regulated using coins, which are placed on the pendulum: the old (dodecahedra) coin 1 penny accelerates its motion by 0.4 seconds per day.
The total weight of the movement — 5 tons.
The dial diameter is 7 meters.
The length of the arrows is 2.7 and 4.2 meters.
At the base of each of the four dials is a Latin inscription "Domine Salvam fac Reginam nostram Victoriam primam" ("God save our Queen Victoria the First").
At the perimeter of the tower, to the right and to the left of the clock, is another phrase in Latin — "Laus Deo" ("Glory to God" or "praise the Lord")
July 27, 2012 from 8:12 to 8:15 the clock struck 30 times in honor of the opening of the XXX Olympic games. For the first time since 1952 chimes were working out the schedule.