Sylvester Stallone was born in New York. His father, a barber Frank Stallone Sr. (born Frank Stallone, Sr., 1919-2011.), - An immigrant from Sicily; mother, Jacqueline Leybofish - French-Jewish origin. Stallone's father, Frank, was known for his violent temper and cruelty to horses for polo, as well as a great lover of women. Stallone's mother, Jacqueline - daughter of the famous Washington lawyer John Paul Leybofisha (1896-1956) [8] appeared on stage at the legendary "Diamonds-Horseshoe Club" Billy Rose's [9]. In 15 years, Stallone initially left after his parents divorced, he moved to his mother and began to study in a special school for troubled teens.
In 15 years, Stallone initially left after his parents divorced, he moved to his mother and began to study in a special school for troubled teens.
Hello, Kate, are you coming to my party today?
-Привет, в честь чего вечеринка?
Hello, on what occasion is the party?
-В честь моего приезда из Испании!
On the occasion of my arrival from Spain.
-О, Боже, я совсем забыла, извини, конечно, буду!
Oh, my God, I completely forgot, sorry, of course, I’ll be there!
-А кто еще приглашен?
And who else is invited?
-Лили, Мери, Дженни – ты их знаешь, и несколько симпатичных парней!
Lily, Marry, Jenny – you know them, and a couple of good-looking guys!
-О, это будет весело! Что с собой взять?
Оh, it ‘ll be fun! What shall I bring with me?
захвати, несколько банок Колы и какой нибудь закуски: чипсы, например.
Please, take a few bottles of Cola and some snacks: crisps, for example.
-Хорошо, что смогу то и принесу. Когда Я могу прийти?
Ok, I’ll bring what I can. When can I come?
-С семи начинаем собираться. Жду тебя!
We begin to gather at seven o’clock. Waiting for you!