решить Задание 1. Прочтите, перепишите предложения, переведите на русский язык.
1. To repeat the words is very useful.
2. To understand this phenomenon well one must know the structure of the material.
3. The scientist wanted to find new products of this substance.
4. The apparatus to be used in our work was constructed in our laboratory.
5. In order to liquity a gas at a temperature below its critical temperature, it is practically necessary only to compress the gas.
Задание 2. Прочтите, перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на обороты с инфинитивом.
1. After a number of experiments they dissolved the substance.
2. He is known to work in the field of nuclear physics.
3. For the student to solve this problem was very easy.
4. The new method appeared to be very complex.
5. It is necessary for the reaction to be accelerated.
Задание 3. Прочитайте, перепишите и переведите предложения содержащие союзы "if " "unless" на русский язык. If air is cooled sufficiently, it can be converted into a liquid.
1. Gases are characterized by extreme lightness unless they are highly compressed.
Задание 4. Прочтите и переведите письменно на русский язык следующий текст.
The greenhouse effect
Much is written about the tendency of the earth's temperature to rise and the "greenhouse effect" that would begin to alter the earth's climate by the end of the 1990s.
In faсt, the science of the phenomenon is more interesting than frightening. "The greenhouse effect results when CO2 and certain other gases in the atmosphere allow the sun's ultraviolet rays to penetrate and warm the earth but then absorb the infrared energy the earth radiates back into space – much as glass in a greenhouse effect does – forming a kind of "thermal blanket" around the planet. Burning huge amounts of fossil fields, which release CO2 into the atmosphere, man has raised the CO2 level from 280 to 340 parts per million since 1860. And continued use of coal and other fossil fuels is expected to double the concentration of the CO2 by the year 2050, elevating, the earth's temperature by 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit. The greenhouse effect will mean much more than hotter summers and milder winters. It may alter rainfall, affect crop yields and eventually, as glaciers begin to melt raise the level of the sea.
The temperature change is reported to be greater in the polar regions than near the equator. In general, it is said that snowfall will begin later, the growing season will lengthen and higher latitudes will get less rain.
If we can't prevent the greenhouse effect, we can prepare for it. Suggestions include breeding plants that need lees water, improving irrigation systems and many others.
However, not all experts are convinced that the heat is coming. Some think that the use of primary energy sources such as coal could decline 60 per cent by 2050 and, perhaps, if the rate of fossil – fuel use is going down, the amount of CO2 is getting less every year.
Задание 5. Переведите вопросы на русский язык и ответьте на них.
1. What is the "greenhouse effect"?
2. What happens in polar regions?
3. What is the role of fossil-fuels in the "greenhouse effect"?
Задание 6. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя текст.
1. Давайте изучим явление, которое называется "парниковым эффектом".
2. Мы должны быть готовы к тому, что температура Земли может измениться
3. Говорят, что "парниковый эффект" может изменить климат Земли.
ответ: 1) Tom Cruise: full name - Thomas Cruise Mapother IV.
2) He lives in America, Florida state.
3) He was born in the USA on 3 July 1962, in the town of Syracuse, (New York state).
4) He has got a wife and 3 children, two of whom are adopted.
5) Cruz is a fan of Motorsport. He can often be seen on race cars and sport motorcycles. In June 2004, before the filming of "Mission impossible 3" the actor took a special course on driving motorcycles.
6) Thomas Cruise is an American actor, film director, producer, screenwriter, three times winner of the award "Golden globe" and three times nominee for the award "Oscar". The peak of his career is considered his acting in the drama "Magnolia," the award-winning film.
Tom Cruise has acted in dozens of films and has millions of fans all over the world.
1) Том Круз: полное имя - Томас Круз Мапотер IV.
2) Oн живет в Америке, штат Флорида.
3) Он родился в США, 3 июля 1962 года, в городе Сиракузы (штат Нью-Йорк).
4) У него есть жена и трое детей, двое из которых приемные.
5) Круз - фанат автоспорта. Его часто можно увидеть на гоночных автомобилях и спортивных мотоциклах. В июне 2004 года, перед съемками фильма "Миссия невыполнима 3", актер специальный курс по вождению мотоциклов.
6) Томас Круз - американский актер, кинорежиссер, продюсер, сценарист, трижды лауреат премии "Золотой глобус" и трижды номинант на премию "Оскар". Вершиной карьеры считается его актёрская игра в драме "Магнолия", в кинокартине, отмеченной многими наградами.
Том Круз снялся в десятках фильмов и имеет миллионы поклонников по всему миру.
14. The prisoners were ordered to stand up. = Заключенным приказали встать.
15. Preparations are being made by our friends to meet a delegation. = Сейчас проводятся приготовления к встрече делегации.
16. I was recommeded to another doctor. = Мне порекомендовали другого врача.
17. The room was dusted carefully. = Комната была тщательно прибрана.
18. By the time the director came the letter had been typed. = К тому времени, как пришел директор, письмо уже было отпечатано.
19. The patient is being examined by the doctor at the moment. = Сейчас пациент осматривается врачом.
20. The dinner will be served at 3 o’clock. = Обед будет накрыт в 3 часа.
21. His friends have been invited to dinner. = Его друзей пригласили на обед.
22. All the advertisements were looked through by us very attentively. = Все объявления были нами внимательно просмотрены.
23. The window has just been broken by my little son. = Это окно было только что разбито моим маленьким сыном.
24. All the dry leaves were gathered by the gardener yesterday. = Все сухие листья были собраны вчера садовником.
25. The stranger were requested to leave the meeting. = Незнакомца попросили покинуть собрание.
26. My uncle has been made a captain. = Моего дядю назначили капитаном.
27. Ann is being shown how to bath a baby now. = Анне сейчас показывают, как мыть новорожденного.
28. He was refused a passport by the authority. = Ему было отказано в паспорте властями.
29. The milk has just been spilt by the child. = Молоко только что пролито ребенком.
30. This picture was painted by a great artist. = Эта картина была написана великим художником.
31. His mistake will be forgiven. = Его ошибка будет прощена.
32. The bicycle is being mended by my grandfather now. = Велосипед сейчас ремонтируется моим дедушкой.
33. The stolen car has been found by the police in the forest. = Украденная машина была обнаружена полицией в лесу.
34. The bridge was built last year. = Мост был построен в году.
35. The tickets have been booked yet. = Билеты уже заказаны.
36. The dishes are washed every day. = Посуду моют каждый день.
37. The city was attacked by the enemies. = Город был атакован врагами.
38. Some trees are being planted by the pupuls in the garden. = В саду сейчас сажают несколько деревьев.
39. The excursion was organized by the guide well. = Экскурсия была хорошо организована гидом.
40. This man was punished for something he hadn’t done. = Этот человек был наказан за то, что он не совершал.