Iivt in Tula. The distance between Tuls and Moscow is 200 kilometres. Tula is part of the Central Federal District. The population of Tula is485221 people. Armenions,Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Russians, Dagestanis, Chechens, Georgions live in Tela. The weather in Tula is hot in summer The temperature rises about 25°C. Upa, Besputa and VASHANA rivers flow in Tula. In Tula live a lot of animals. One of the most popular animals is the lions. Environmental problems of Tula are factories: Tulachermet, Polema, Vanadiy-Tula, Tulatochmash. Factories pollute nature.
1. Every morning I force myself to do exercises. Then I take a shower, have breakfast and go to work. I travel from our suburb to Yekaterinburg by train five days a week. 2. Do you mind if I take your newspaper? - Not at all. You're welcome. The latest news is very interesting. 3. When was his nephew born? - 5 years ago, and tomorrow he has a birthday. I wonder what he will give him. 4. Air the room, wash the floor and put all things to their places. You have such a mess in the room! 5. We quarreled two years ago, and only recently we reconciled. We often quarrel over trifles, but, as they say, the opposites attract each other. 6. The train arrives at the station in ten minutes. Hurry up! We have little time.
The weather in Tula is hot in summer The temperature rises about 25°C. Upa, Besputa and VASHANA rivers flow in Tula. In Tula live a lot of animals. One of the most popular animals is the lions.
Environmental problems of Tula are factories: Tulachermet, Polema, Vanadiy-Tula, Tulatochmash. Factories pollute nature.
2. Do you mind if I take your newspaper? - Not at all. You're welcome. The latest news is very interesting.
3. When was his nephew born? - 5 years ago, and tomorrow he has a birthday. I wonder what he will give him.
4. Air the room, wash the floor and put all things to their places. You have such a mess in the room!
5. We quarreled two years ago, and only recently we reconciled. We often quarrel over trifles, but, as they say, the opposites attract each other.
6. The train arrives at the station in ten minutes. Hurry up! We have little time.