Jack London was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. After birth, he was left in the care of the mother and the care of a black maid Virginia Prentiss, but soon Velman mother Flora married John London, and took the child to her. As a teenager, Jack London began to look for jobs, selling the morning and evening papers. Jack London remembered how to create a newspaper and that you can earn by writing a story. He recorded various events of his life, which formed the basis of his works in the future.
Jack London there are a lot of products, but the most popular is White Fang and love for life. Heroes of the product "Love of Life" are two miner - gold hunters. This is the main character, whose name we did not know then that the writer calls him "He" and fellow protagonist Bill. In the story "White Fang" London tells the story of a wolf cub, describes his life in the woods and among men - an Indian by the name of Gray Beaver and Smith.
2. а) Прочтите текст с предложениями второго абзаца в
неправильный порядок.
В коричневых / плоских тонах
Билл живет в трехкомнатной квартире. Есть гостиная,
кухня, столовая, ванная и туалет. И здесь
три спальни, конечно. Одна спальня для мамы и
отец, один для Кейт, а другой для Билла и Тома.
В каждой спальне по одному окну. Эта комната для мамы
и папа. В их окнах розовые шторы.
спальная комната. Этот номер предназначен для Кейт. Под окном есть
стол письменный. На столе стоит ваза. Эта комната предназначена для Билла и Тома.
В вазе три розы. Перед столом есть
стул / В левом углу компьютер, а под ним -
компьютерный блок. Слева от окна лампа.
На стене над компьютером висит картина. Eсть
кровать у стены, а над ней - книжная полка. Eсть
диван у стены с двумя растениями над ним. Рядом коврик
кровать. Между двумя креслами находится магнитофон.
Шторы в этой комнате синие. Попугай над
ящик для игрушек справа от окна. Шторы на этом
окна белые. Над кроватью на
стена. На стене за лампой висит календарь. Eсть
зеркало с маленьким столиком в их комнате.
After birth, he was left in the care of the mother and the care of a black maid Virginia Prentiss, but soon Velman mother Flora married John London, and took the child to her.
As a teenager, Jack London began to look for jobs, selling the morning and evening papers. Jack London remembered how to create a newspaper and that you can earn by writing a story. He recorded various events of his life, which formed the basis of his works in the future.
Jack London there are a lot of products, but the most popular is White Fang and love for life.
Heroes of the product "Love of Life" are two miner - gold hunters. This is the main character, whose name we did not know then that the writer calls him "He" and fellow protagonist Bill.
In the story "White Fang" London tells the story of a wolf cub, describes his life in the woods and among men - an Indian by the name of Gray Beaver and Smith.