Trinity in Ukraine. In the new year, Trinity will be celebrated on the twenty-third of May. In Ukraine, Trinity is a day off. Trinity is a holiday of the rebirth of life. People on Trinity decorate their homes with green tree branches, which means the rebirth of all living things. On the feast of Trinity, it is customary to go to church. They meet Trinity at the dinner table, the most important treat is a loaf. It is customary to have fun on Trinity, any serious work, even around the house, is prohibited. Christmas in Ukraine. Christmas is celebrated on the night of January 6-7. Forty days before Christmas begins the third fast. Traditionally, at midnight from January 6th to January 7th, you need to open the windows and doors so that Christmas can enter the house. Christmas comes when the first star lights up in the sky. On this day, children and young people go home and tell carols. It is customary to celebrate Christmas with your family in warmth and comfort. At Christmas they go to church.
- Привіт, Максим!
- Привіт, Дмитро! Давно не бачились! Як справи? Що нового?
- В мене все добре. Нового?.. Ну, на минулому тижні я почав відвідувати спортивний клуб, що відкрився поруч з нашою школою.
- Справді? І в яку секцію ти записався?
- Футболу.
- Круто! І скільки занять вже відвідав?
- Два. На першому, ми знайомились з тренером і він розповідав нам основні правила гри. А вчора, на другому занятті, ми почали грати.
- Футбол потребує гарної фізичної підготовки. Думаєш, тобі вистачить сил?
- Звичайно! Через те, що мені подобається цей процесс, я навіть не помічаю втоми.
- Цікаво. А чи можна мені прийти і по гати за вашим тренуванням? Можливо, мені сподобається і я приєднаюсь до вашої команди.
- Звичайно можна! наступне заняття відбудеться завтра, о 12:30.
- Я обов'язково прийду!
- Буду чекати.
In the new year, Trinity will be celebrated on the twenty-third of May. In Ukraine, Trinity is a day off. Trinity is a holiday of the rebirth of life. People on Trinity decorate their homes with green tree branches, which means the rebirth of all living things. On the feast of Trinity, it is customary to go to church. They meet Trinity at the dinner table, the most important treat is a loaf. It is customary to have fun on Trinity, any serious work, even around the house, is prohibited. Christmas in Ukraine. Christmas is celebrated on the night of January 6-7. Forty days before Christmas begins the third fast. Traditionally, at midnight from January 6th to January 7th, you need to open the windows and doors so that Christmas can enter the house. Christmas comes when the first star lights up in the sky. On this day, children and young people go home and tell carols. It is customary to celebrate Christmas with your family in warmth and comfort. At Christmas they go to church.