Ireally love the new year. this year i celebrated it on december 31. this year i celebrated the new year with my beloved family. my grandfather bought a christmas tree and i and my sister slit her with beautiful balls and garlands. i helped my mother and grandmother to cover table. we cooked a lot of delicious dishes. and we decorated the whole house with garlands and lights. then, when the chimes were scored, we made a wish. after vladimir putin's words we gave each other gifts. so i spent my new year.
1. Are April and May spring months?
Yes, they are.
2. Are they long months?
Yes, they are.
Are days long in May?
Yes, they are.
Are nights short?
Nights in May are shorter than in April.
3. Do you like late spring?
Yes, I like it very much!
4. Is the sun hot in May?
No, the isn't hot in May in my region, but there are hot days sometimes.
5. What colour is the sky in late spring?
It is bright blue.
6. What colour are the trees?
The trees are green.
7. Can you see flowers in April and May?
Yes, we can, especially in May.
8. Can you see birds in late spring?
Yes, we can see a lot of birds.
9. Do you like their songs?
I love their songs!
10. Do schoolchildren go to school in May?
Yes, they do.
Do they play games?
Yes, they do. They play games after school.