Ronnie (0) was (be) born in 1989. Ronnie (1) live) in the Tower since (2)
live) there for (4)
Cex and Regina (5)
hey (6)
og and Jackie (8)
Ronnie (3)
(be) born in the Tower in 1990,
(live) in the Tower for (7)
(live) in the Tower since
(be) born
Gog and Jackie (10)
years ago.
and w
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in 19
In your culture. What were these people famous for?
Read the “Word Building” notes and guess the words.
Word Building Suffixes: -er, -or
paint рисовать
a painter художник
explore исследовать
an explorer
compose сочинять музыку a composer
act играть
an actor
sing петь
a singer
travel путешествовать
a traveller
2 a
Каждый из слов и фраз, выделенных жирным шрифтом, находится в неправильном предложении. Напишите правильное слово или фразу
на линии.
1В нашем городе есть игра, где молодые люди могут встречаться и веселиться.
2 Моя мама спрятала молодежный клуб, чтобы мы не могли включить телевизор, пока она
был на работе.
3 Футболиста выгнали из сюжета за нарушение правил.
4 Цирк фильма был настолько скучным, что я заснул
5 Человек, который снял фильм, проделал большую работу.
6 Фильмы о Гарри Поттере направлены в Британию.
7 Мои любимые исполнители за пультом - жонглеры.
1. Drama
2. Legend
3. Comedy
4. Biography
5. Short story
6. Mystery
7. Fairytale
8. History
9. Adventure
10. Encyclopedia
Task 2
1. My mother went to France last weekend.
2. I was at school in the morning, and then I went home.
3. Moira gave me a nice birthday present.
4. Anna doesn’t understand the professor explanation.
5. Mum cooked pasta as she knew we were hungry.
6. We liked the film, because we were both into comedies.
7. It didn’t rain a lot last week.
8. Did you saw Clair at the airport?
9. We was too exhausted to continue exercising.
10. Susan slept seven hours yesterday.
Task 3
Cinderella is my favorite fairy tale that I read as a child. There, one girl lived with her dad, but then her father died. And then Cinderella lived with her mother and the mother hated her and forced her to clean the house.