Routing card for an English lesson №6
Theme: Things you did not know about space
Purpose of the lesson:
10.3.7 - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a range of general and curricular topics;
10.4.2 - understand specific information and detail in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics;
10.4.5- deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics;
10.5.6 - write coherently at text level using a variety of connectors on a range of familiar general and curricular topics
Student`s book p 96 ex 1 text.
Look at the labels 1-4. What are they for?
Ex 2 p 96 Read the text agai and mark the statements 1-5
Excel for Kazakhstan
1. The repairman is coming to fix the washing machine tomorrow.
2. B: I am getting you an extra blanket.
3. You are driving me to the airport on Tuesday.
4. Rachel is flying the Bahamas next week.
5. My son is being five in August.
6. She is having lunch with Doug this afternoon.
7. You are doing the washing-up please?
8. Rob and Molly are celebrating their wedding anniversary on Sunday.
9. When the Greens is leaving for Lima?
10. People is living in underwater cities in the future.
правильный ответ.
можно лучший ответ???
у каждого есть своя любимая еда. Кто-то любит пиццу, торты или что-нибудь на подобии салата. Моя любимая еда - мороженое. Оно вкусное и очень сладкое, имеет разные вкусы: шоколадное, ванильное и другие (etc.). И вы всегда можете есть его в любом месте: в парке, торговом центре и оно важно для нас летом в жаркие дни.