С! 100 !
написать письмо на тему:
посещающий оратор недавно пришел в вашу школу, чтобы выступить с докладом о давлении со стороны сверстников. ваш учитель попросил вас написать письмо от имени своего класса, чтобы ее
a visiting speaker recently came to your school to give a talk on peer pressure. your teacher has asked you to write a letter on behalf of your class to thank her (120-150 words). include:
• why your class appreciated the talk
• if she can come again and speak to another class
I think that every person needs to play sports. Lack of time is all excuses. I think it's not so difficult to allocate 10-15 minutes a day to do gymnastics, go for a walk with your dog in the morning in the park, ride a bicycle or rollerblades.
Health is the most valuable thing that a person has, and it needs to be protected and strengthened. Every day we say to each other "Hello!", And, therefore, we wish health. And even in congratulations on Birthday, New Year or any other holiday, we first of all wish friends, teachers and close friends of good health. I think that playing sports is one of the most accessible and enjoyable ways of taking care of one's own health. It is not necessary to spend hours at the gym and perform heavy exercises. Enough in the mornings do gymnastics, do not miss physical education lessons, and after studying to practice the kind of sport that you like. I, for one, like to play volleyball and basketball, even go to the sports section and participate in competitions. In winter I like to ski and skate, to play hockey. All my friends, just like me, go in for sports. Someone goes to the swimming section, someone plays volleyball with me. Many girls from our class are engaged in dancing and gymnastics. I never understood those who are skipping physical education classes and say that there is nothing to do. It seems to me that this is one of the most important lessons, because on it we rest from mental labor and are charged with a good mood.
Athletes have always been respected. First of all, of course, for their achievements in sports. But the desire for victory, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, self-organization also deserve praise. Our country is famous for sportsmen in many sports - synchronized swimming, pole vaulting, tennis, etc. We have someone to take an example with, because the athletes know for sure that to be sporty and healthy is fashionable!
2. Ай эм сыкстен еарс олд (мне 16 лет)
3. Ай эм стьюдент оф Рашиан Стэйт Юнивёрсити (Я студент Российского Государственного университета)
4. Ай рили уант ту бикам а Депати оф ве стэйт Дума (Я правда хочу быть Депутатом Государственной Думы)
5. ай рили лайк лисенинг ту клэссикал мьюзик (Я правда люблю слушать классическую музыку)
6. ай спэнд э лот оф тайм ом ве интернэт (Я провожу много времени (некоторое время) в интернете)
7. ай лайк риадин (Ошибка в слове. Если ты вообще любишь читать, то пишется: I like read (рид).. Так как ты вообще любишь читать. А если ты сейчас читаешь, то будет: Now i am reading a book...) букс Лэрри Кингс бук (Я люблю читать книгу Ларри Кингс)
8. Ай офэн плэйс ордерс ин АлиЭкспресс. (Я часто размещаю заказы на Али)
9. Ай лайк ту ит пицца (Слово pizza и на Английском, и на русском читается: пицца) (я люблю есть пиццу)