2. The parrot is smaller than the turkey. The humming bird is the smallest of the three birds - Попугай меньше, чем индюшка. Колибри - самая маленькая из трёх птиц.
3. The dog is smarter than the horse. The monkey is the smartest of the three animals. - Собака умнее, чем лошадь. Обезьяна - самая умная из 3х животных.
4. The alligator is more dangerous than the whale. The Shark is the most dangerous of the three animals. - Аллигатор опаснее, чем кит. Акула самая опасная из трех животных.
5. The alligator is heavier than the ostrich. The giraffe is the heaviest of the three animals. - Аллигатор тяжелее страуса. Жираф - самый тяжелый из трех животных.
6. The lion is more beautiful than the bear. The fox is the most beautiful of the three animals. Лев красивее, чем медведь. Лиса - самая красивая из трех животных.
7. The parrot is a better friend than the elephant. The dog is the best friend of the three animals. - Попугай более хороший друг, в сравнении co слоном. Собака - самый лучший друг из 3х животных.
8. The crocodile is a worse monster than the snake. The shark is the worst monster of the three animals - Крокодил более ужасный монстр, по сравнению со змеёй. Акула - самый ужасный монстр из 3х животных.
2. The parrot is smaller than the turkey. The humming bird is the smallest of the three birds - Попугай меньше, чем индюшка. Колибри - самая маленькая из трёх птиц.
3. The dog is smarter than the horse. The monkey is the smartest of the three animals. - Собака умнее, чем лошадь. Обезьяна - самая умная из 3х животных.
4. The alligator is more dangerous than the whale. The Shark is the most dangerous of the three animals. - Аллигатор опаснее, чем кит. Акула самая опасная из трех животных.
5. The alligator is heavier than the ostrich. The giraffe is the heaviest of the three animals. - Аллигатор тяжелее страуса. Жираф - самый тяжелый из трех животных.
6. The lion is more beautiful than the bear. The fox is the most beautiful of the three animals. Лев красивее, чем медведь. Лиса - самая красивая из трех животных.
7. The parrot is a better friend than the elephant. The dog is the best friend of the three animals. - Попугай более хороший друг, в сравнении co слоном. Собака - самый лучший друг из 3х животных.
8. The crocodile is a worse monster than the snake. The shark is the worst monster of the three animals - Крокодил более ужасный монстр, по сравнению со змеёй. Акула - самый ужасный монстр из 3х животных.
Russian people spend their free time in different ways. One
the thing that they all love is reading. Russians also love
going to the cinema and theater
As for more active pastime, riding
skiing and ice skating are very popular among people of all ages.
In winter, many people ride frozen ponds and skating rinks.
Figure skating is one of the most important sports in Russia.
The Russians are also known for their hockey teams. Many top
Players in Canada and the United States come from Russia.
Other leisure activities include hiking,
rock climbing, hiking and canoeing treble. Many
Russians participate in organized sports. Football -
beloved, but many taxi drivers do gymnastics,
or play
from to
in volleyball and basketball
In summer, they play chess in parks. Another hobby
stamp collecting and there are thousands of clubs on
stamp collecting
People of different nationalities in Russia have their own
traditional types of exercises. For example, Yakuts and Central
Siberia is very good deer riders, and the Buryats in the eastern
Siberians love shooting and bow.