С! 4 writing modern information technologies make the world smaller. 1. writeabout the role of technology in our society.2. write about: which of them you believe have been a breakthrough,in what respect these technologies cut the distances between continents and nations,3.which one you find most useful for yourself.
2) The picture depicts a young man. Most like he is a student and got a job to earn money. He works at a fast food cafe. Now he is probably busy cooking burger. He has a white uniform and a hat. In his hands are special, kitchen appliances for cooking.
3) The picture shows a boy and maybe his mother or class teacher. He helps her transplant flowers. In his hands he has special gloves to work with the ground, as well as pots with pink flowers. Judging by the background, they are in some kind of garden , where there are many flowers. They are satisfied with their work.