с английским!
I saw many people __ the platform waiting __ the train
1.Why are you packing your suitcase? - I (leave) for Los Angeles in an hour.
2.I’m not surprised he (fail) that exam yesterday. He(not/work) hard this week.
3.I(not/see) him for ages; when I last (see) him he (try) to find a job in London.
4.Listen Liza; I don’t care if you (miss) the bus this morning, you (be) Late to work too many times, you are fired!
Gary Good day. Please take a sit. what's your name?
my name is Ann
it's pleasure to meet you. what questions do you have?
I would like you to help me solve my problem
yes. what's the matter?
I'm warried about my daughter. She spends too much time on the computer. I cannot convince her to do something else. to spend more time outdoor. I regret that I let her to the computer. can you suggest me something about ?
yes. I'll try to help you. don't try to convince her through using the force. just play with her and try to switch her attention to others things. invite her to a trip. I can suggest you some good tours of Russia.
Э лот оф пипл ин ингленд ит сендвичез фо зеир ланч. Зээ а э лот оф сендвичез шопс ин Лондон. Ю кен бай ол сортс оф сендвичез ин зиис шопс. Ю кен дет мит сендвичез о салад сендвичез о(не поняла при чем тут кет)
Энд ю кен гет чизбег енд фиш сендвичез. Ю кен бай фрут сендвичез. Ич сендвич хез ту сын сикс оф бред. Ю кен пут батер енд мит битвин зе ту сикс. Лотс оф фореинес донт лайк инглий сендвичез. Зей лайк зе кайнд оф сендвичез ви кол э ролл. Сам фореинес донт лайк инглиш ти еизе. Инглиш ти из вери стронг. Ви мейк ит ин типот. Зе инглиш дринк э лот оф ти