с английским Нужно вставить нужные слова, вот список слов: career, deadlines, occupation, part-time, professional, promotion, work.
Текст :
My brother has always wanted to make a brilliant ___. So, he studied hard at university to master the ___ of an accountant. Then, he found a ___ job and worked several days a week. He worked hard, met all the ___ and even worked overtime. And in two years he got a ___ and became a chief accountant.
1 desk (конторская работа)
2 full-time (полный рабочий день)
3 overtime (сверхурочно)
4 uniform (форма)
5 salary (зарплата)
6 pay rise (повышение заработной платы)
7 deadlines (крайний срок)
8 shift (смена)
9 part-time (неполный рабочий день)
10 freelancer (фрилансер)