с английским. Там где это пропущенные слова.
Talking about careers Complete the description.
I'm pretty good at doing sport and repairing things I'd like to be better at dealing with money and doing calculations. got a good 2 about what I want to do in the future . I think I'd enjoy a 3 don't want to work in an office or a bank. In the future , I think I 4 like a job as a mechanic or a technician. I've done part-time 5 in sport or tourism. I definitely like a job as a mechanic as a tennis instructor and l'd like to do a summer 6 as a life guard.
Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Обратите особое внимание на напряженную форму предиката и на предлоги, выделенные жирным шрифтом.
1) Вас ищут. Идти домой. 2) Оратора слушали очень внимательно, и меня никто не заметил. 3) О новой выставке много говорят. 4) Она не умеет танцевать, когда на нее смотрят. 5) Меня с что строится на этой улице. 6) Он вдруг понял, что над ним смеются. 7) Когда она вошла в класс, последние ученики осматривались там. 8) Он знал, что за ним следят. 9) Почта Там тоже может быть что-то для тебя. 9) В настоящее время экзаменационные работы проверяются. 10) У меня сегодня нет машины, потому что она ремонтируется. 11) Когда я приехал в Ленинград в 1957 году, первая линия метро все еще строилась. 12) Готовы ли они с посылкой? - Нет, это все еще упаковывается. 13) Новая железнодорожная линия строится через пустыню.
My role in the modern world. The question of the role of man in this world is eternal philosophical question, the answer to which every person has to find sam.Na lifelong man looking his way, looking for himself, he plays a variety of roles, many of the roles change throughout life, and some remain neizmennymi.Naprimer to his parents the child will always be a child, and the role of the expert in any direction a person is able to easily change its decision. In humans, there is always a choice, and that this choice depends buduschee.V his adolescence person is especially difficult to make a choice, take the first step into adulthood, choose professiyu.Imenno with this step, the person has an active life. I've decided that I want to do after school at the Faculty of Languages, to become a linguist-perevodchikom.Ya believe that this profession will help me to be realized in life, develop self-improvement, because I love to learn yazyki.A will also help me to play an important role in intercultural communication , in the union of cultures of different countries. I find it truly remarkable thing, because that is what interests me. When I get into a university, I'm going to play the role of studentki.Ya want to be very good and responsible student to graduate with honors, as well as write a thesis in linguistics, which will help people from different countries easier to understand each druga.Takzhe I want to open language schools and organize a variety of educational programs for children and adults, as I think it is very interesting and exciting to know the language of another people and to communicate in German really want to do things you love, play an important role in the development of linguistics and communication. Another one of my dream is to create your ideal family, meet your soul mate, to play the role of an ideal faithful loving wife and a good caring materi.Ya really want to have a big family, I want to take the same foster children and give them happiness, bestow love, for One of the meanings of human life is to love one's neighbor. Human life is a theater, and the man himself, the actor who submit to the will of their own destiny, going through life playing various roli.Ya dream to play all the most important and positive role in the theater, to change the world for the better, to give every person the love, warmth, and schaste.Ved the meaning of life and the role of man in this world is love for others, self-improvement and development of the whole of humanity!