Most people like travelling because travelling broadens your mind.
While you are travelling you have an opportunity:
- to plunge into the life and customs of the country;
- to get to know the locals and get to know their traditions;
- to see historical monuments and places of interest;
- communicate in the language of the locals in order to improve your own knowledge of their language if you study it;
- to try their cuisine and much more.
But, of course, there are arguments 'against' travelling. First of all, travelling (especially abroad) is rather expensive.
Secondly, if you don't know the language and the customs of the country you can get into a dangerous or an awkward situation.
They say when people become old they often regret that they had no possibility to travel more in their life. As for me, I think I will travel as much as possible.
1). Посетитель ресторана во время обеда в городе КРУ
Обнаружил в жарком очень крупную мышь.
Подозвал официанта (и услышал): "Не шумите
И не размахивайте ею,
Иначе остальные тоже захотят мышь"
Обедая в городе Кру
Он мышь обнаружил в рагу.
Ему ж: " Не кричать!
Мышом – не махать!
Ведь все захотят по мышу."
Клиент раз, обедая в Кру,
Мыша обнаружил в рагу.
Гарсон: "Тс-с-с! Секрет!
Для вас "комплимент" -
Мышей всем найти не смогу".
2). Жила-была молодая женщина по имени Яркая,
Скорость которой была намного больше скорости света.
Однажды она отправилась в путешествие,
Проходившее по законам теории относительности.
И вернулась в предыдущую ночь.
Девицу прозвали ИскрА,
Ведь свет обгоняла – шустра!
Уйдя, не забудь,
В относительный путь,
Всегда возвращалась вчера.
Блондинка по имени Света,
Чья скорость быстрей, чем у света.
Отправившись в путь -
Эйнштейновский, суть -
Вернулась до старта при этом!
Most people like travelling because travelling broadens your mind.
While you are travelling you have an opportunity:
- to plunge into the life and customs of the country;
- to get to know the locals and get to know their traditions;
- to see historical monuments and places of interest;
- communicate in the language of the locals in order to improve your own knowledge of their language if you study it;
- to try their cuisine and much more.
But, of course, there are arguments 'against' travelling. First of all, travelling (especially abroad) is rather expensive.
Secondly, if you don't know the language and the customs of the country you can get into a dangerous or an awkward situation.
They say when people become old they often regret that they had no possibility to travel more in their life. As for me, I think I will travel as much as possible.