с английским языком , два задания по тексту. 1) Выпишите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени, переведите их на русский язык. 2) Подчеркните предложения, где употребляются модальные глаголы can, may, must, have to.
Changing places
Julie Willis is an artist from San Francisco who moved to London in 1988. We asked her to compare life in San Francisco and London. Here's what she told us.
The cities
San Francisco is a lovely city in a beautiful bay. It's got lots of great buildings and places. It's smaller and much more modern than London, but it's less interesting. London has a lot more theatres and museums. The Americans are usually more interested in money than culture! The architecture in London is incredible and very stimulating, and the parks and markets are wonderful. London isn't as dangerous as San Francisco, and it's less violent. I feel much safer living here - nobody carries a gun, not even the police!
The cost of living
People have a higher standard of living in the States because generally, it's much less expensive than Finland. For example, petrol is less than hall the price and things like food, clothes, and cameras are much cheaper. It's a shopper's paradise and I always spend a fortune when I go back! It's a bit more expensive to rent a flat in London and my bills are much bigger than they were in San Francisco. So, although my salary in London is about the same as it was in the States, I have to work harder to get the same quality of life as I had before.
Public transport
In San Francisco you can walk everywhere because it's a small city. There's less traffic than in London, and public transport is great. There are cable-cars to go up all the hills and electric buses which make the city much cleaner. Public transport in London is terrible and really expensive. It takes me an hour to get to work and the journey is usually stressful. London's dirtier too and much more polluted. The traffic is awful, because there are too many cars and the streets are narrow. But English drivers aren't as aggressive as American drivers!
The food
Food in the States is generally much better. It's fresher, cheaper, and there's much more choice. Restaurants aren't as expensive as in London and the service is much better. In some restaurants they put a clock on the table when you arrive, and if they haven't served your meal in five minutes, they'll give you the food free! I'm usually disappointed when I eat out in London, although the Indian restaurants are excellent.
В этом задании нужно использовать третью форму глагола (Ved; отмечено жирным) в форме Present Perfect (т.е. по формуле: has/have + Ved) и употребить её так, чтобы логически подытожить данные ранее высказывания (чит. силлогизмы). Как известно, есть правильные и неправильные глаголы — поэтому где-то мы используем т.н. супплетивизм корней, то есть когда корень разнится в зависимости от формы (go - went - gone), или же суффиксацию, т.е. добавляем к основе суффикс -ed (improve - improved - improved). Поэтому выходит так:
Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. — He has lost his key. (Он потерял ключ.)Margaret can't walk and her leg is in plaster. — She has broken her leg. (Она сломала ногу.)Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it's 90. — The bus fare has gone up. (Плату за проезд на автобусе подняли.)Maria's English wasn't very good. Now it is better. — Her English has improved. (Её английский улучшился.)Dan didn't have a beard before. Now he has a beard. — He has grown a beard. (Он отрастил бороду.)This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. — The letter has arrived. (Письмо пришло.)The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12. — The temperature has fallen. (Температура упала.)7.3В этом задании нужно сделать практически то же самое: использовать третью форму глагола в форме Present Perfect, но употребить её не в предложении-следствии, а в ответе. Кроме того, здесь используются краткие формы глаголов, то есть 's и 've (вместо has и have) — разница с полной формой, как известно, в том, что краткая форма — атрибут разговорной речи.
No, thank you. I've just had lunch.I'm afraid, he's gone out.Wait a minute! I've not finished yet.No, I've done it myself / already.Have you found a place to live / anything?I've not decided yet.No, she's come back.