с грамматикой
Define the function of the infinitive:
Sample Sentence:
It is not easy to know where the balance rests. (Part of Notional Subject) - Важко відчувати, де знаходиться баланс.
The infinitive “to know” is an active, non-perfect, common infinitive. It is a part of the infinitive phrase “to know where the balance rests” which performs the function of the notional subject (after the formal introductory subject “it”).
1. The question in his mind now is, what am I going to do, I can’t stay in Putney (Mantel).
2. All he has to do is to make a strangling motion, quickly, while the cardinal has his eyes shut (Mantel).
3. “That’s my point. Another six years. Why do it?” (McEwan).
4. He picks up a book and begins to read, but he is not attending to what he reads(Clarke).
5. And you ought to see the towns, Ned! (Martin).
6. Perhaps, if he wakes, he will be able to eat real food, but he will never walk again” (Martin).
7. It’s hard to escape the feeling that this is a play, and the cardinal is in it: the Cardinal and his Attendants. And that it is a tragedy (Mantel).
8. But he was never allowed to deliver more than a few sentences of it (Clarke).
9. The boots… were old, which is probably why Stokescy did not take them with him…(Clarke).
10. Gods, how are we going to feed them all? (Martin).
11. Then it gets inside you and starts to fill you up, and after a while you don’t have the strength to fight it. It’s easier just to sit down or go to sleep (Martin).
12. Dany listened to the talk in the streets, and she heard these things, but she knew better than to question her brother when he wove his webs of dream (Martin).
13. When Lola spoke, she turned first to Pierrot and halfway through her sentence swung round to finish on Jackson (McEwan).
14. It was not to be imprisoned behind a glass case (McEwan).
15. He goes down, to get an account of her deathbed; to deal with the household (Mantel)
первый вариант
Анна и Боб
Анна - о! боб! привет, я не видела тебя целую вечность!
боб - привет анна! как ты?
анна - я купила новый дом, и машину, а ты? (что про тебя -дословно)
боб - у меня все хорошо, пока
анна - удачи
второй вариант
теже Ана им Боб
Анна - О! Боб, мой лучший друг! Где ты пропадал все это время(где ты был)
боб- привет, Анна. я отучился в институте на экономиста и тепер работаю экономистом. родители каждый год путешевствуют, а моя дочь Дора уже пошла в школу.
анна - замечательно(прекрасно)! Моя жизнь тоже начала налаживаться! я вышла замуж, мы купили дом и хорошую(дорогую) машину. работаю с удовольствием парикмахером!
боб - замечательно, ну что ж(so)? Может попьем чаю у нас дома?!
анна - давай, с радостью!хорошо что встректились