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28.01.2020 09:28 •  Английский язык

С. найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для следующих русских слов и фраз: слои населения; общая рентабельность; распределение ресурсов; экономическая эффективность; экономический субъект; дефицитный; лицо, принимающее решение; распределение ограниченных ресурсов; обмен, производство, распределение и потребление товаров и услуг.
Have you ever wondered why some countries are rich and some countries are poor? Why do people save money? What causes unemployment? Have you ever questioned how the market sets the price of goods? Why do prices rise and fall? If you have tried to find answers to the questions above, then you have already been interested in economics.

It is not a secret that since the beginning of time human desire has been shaping the world. The more people get, the more they want. Infinite desire leads to a constant need to develop, to invent, and to discover new things. This, in turn, means that desires are not satisfied as there are much more things to want and to buy. Since we live in a world of limited resources, we have fewer resources than are needed to satisfy all our wants and needs. This gap between limited resources and limitless human wants describes the basic economic problem, the problem of scarcity. Subsequently, economics can be defined as the study of scarcity. Economists try to resolve scarcity so that people could best satisfy their wants and needs.

All the countries in the world face the problem of how to make the best use of scarce resources, such as fuels, money, time, labour, land, etc. Economists try to solve the problem of distribution of both scarce resources among producers and scarce goods and services among consumers. The main criteria of resource allocation are meeting the basic requirements of all segments of population, maintaining the balance among different sectors of the economy and increasing aggregate profitability of the economy. Correspondingly, resource allocation is associated with economic efficiency. Economic efficiency, also called allocative efficiency, is achieved when every resource is optimally allocated generating the largest welfare total from all available resources. Reallocation may be profitable for one entity. However, it may harm another resulting in loses. Resource allocation is one of the major subjects of economics. Hence, economics is the study of how people use resources.

Since the allocation of scarce resources is closely linked to making choices between the alternative options, economics is known as the study of decision-making. Economists study choices, i.e. how economic agents choose to allocate scarce resources, and their consequences, i.e. how those choices affect the society. An economic agent is an individual or a group (a firm, a sports team, a political party, a government, etc) that makes choices. Economists may treat the groups as a single decision maker, without taking into consideration the details of how the different individuals in the group contributed to the decision.

In brief, economics is a social science analyzing how individuals, businesses, governments, and other organizations make choices that influence the allocation and distribution of scarce resources. It explains how people interact to get what they want. Therefore, economics deals with the exchange, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. There is a misconception that economics is all about money. Despite the fact that economics is preoccupied with such topics as wealth, recessions, banking, finance, it is a much broader discipline. It can help us understand historical trends, evaluate current world events, and predict future developments.

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31.01.2021 13:05
Almaty - my favorite city.

Almaty - Kazakhstan's southern capital, a city of a half million inhabitants, the administrative, economic and cultural center of the country. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains semicircle Trans-Ili Alatau, it captivates with its originality. Alpine meadows, Tien-Shan spruce, gardens serve it as a kind of frame. On a high hill Koktyube is surveyed the entire city - panorama strictly lined with dressed in green neighborhoods, shot up into the bright blue sky beautiful tall buildings. Successfully entered in a mountain landscape, subordinate unified original decision, they make a beautiful city's skyline, which are widely used elements of national culture and achievements of modern construction equipment.

Almaty - a garden city. Half of its area is occupied by green spaces - pyramidal and silver poplar, elm, oak, birch, linden, black locust, pine and spruce. In the spring, when everything blooms, Almaty is particularly good. White foam gardens cover the surrounding mountains and down in the midst of urban neighborhoods, spread out a red carpet of tulips. Summer evening cool breeze from the mountains, and called for a walk along the boulevards and avenues, in an area with colorful flower beds, where bizarre spray jets scattered numerous fountains. Autumn foliage of gold charms, penetrated by the sun, the scent of the famous Almaty apples - aport. And how beautiful the city winter, short but frosty and snowy. On skis and skates stand then all citizens.

At all times of the year attracts mountain skating rink "Medeo". The famous ice ice world records, sparkles under the bright mountain sun. Because of its exceptional natural and unique data engineering and architectural design, the sports complex has received worldwide fame, became the pride of Almaty.

South capital of Kazakhstan is generous and hospitable. Heat and sun greets the guests and she prettier every year.

For information: Almaty, Kazakh language is translated as "Apple", while the Alma-Ata - is a collection of Kazakh words "Apple-grandfather." There is a good article about the names of the city, read вроде так
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16.01.2021 10:13
Привет!Надеюсь тебе эта информация)
Летние языковые школы английского языка в США, языковые лагеря в СШАШколы английского языка в США

Языковые школы и курсы в Соединенных штатах Америки – это отличная возможность за короткие сроки обучиться английскому, попутешествовать по другой стране, обзавестись множеством знакомств и просто незабываемо провести время. Не зависимо от того, нужен вам английский язык для свободного общения, для подготовки к сдаче экзаменов на получение международных сертификатов, для поступления в ВУЗ или просто для того, чтобы весело и с пользой провести летние каникулы, очень важно подойти к выбору языкового центра со всей долей ответственности. Благо, выбор действительно радует.

Формат обучения можно выбрать тот, который вам наиболее приемлем. Это может быть летний языковой лагерь в США, в котором вам предложат более обширную программу (проживание в лагере, организация досуга и т.п.), кратко долго или интенсивные языковые школы на базе университетов или частные языковые курсы.

Что касается длительности, то в зависимости от желаемого уровня знаний и возможности пребывания на территории Соединенных Штатах, вы можете посещать школы английского языка в США в течении одного, двух или более семестров.

В таких международных языковых центрах можно за короткий срок овладеть языком, а все благодаря тому, что создается идеальная обстановка для обучения. Ведь прожить в стране, где говорят на английском – это лучший вариант для изучения языка. Причем овладеть им можно всесторонне, а не останавливаясь на определенной тематике.

География подобных учреждений достаточно обширная: языковой лагерь в США или курсы можно найти как в небольших, так и в крупных городах: Нью-Йорк, Сан-Франциско, Бостон или Чикаго. А летние языковые школы в США, которые расположены в прибрежных районах, позволят совместить незабываемый отдых и обучение. 

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